The mistakes appear on page 4C of the sports section in preview coverage of tonight's semifinal matches.
The most noticeable is a two-column, 48-point headline that reads:
Two line hed goes
here and here
The corrected copy (which is available in the World-Herald's "E Edition" online) reads: "Crowd for practice pleases NU's Cook."
The second snafu - on the same page - is the cutline which accompanies the photo (at right) by Rebecca Gratz:
Two line cutline goes here. See Tim. Two line cutline goes here. See Tim. Two line cutline goes here. See Tim. Two line cutline goes here. See Tim.
In later editions, the cutline reads: "Stanford outside hitter Cynthia Barboza goes up for a shot during practice on Wednesday. Stanford is one of three teams from the Pac-10 to reach the final four."
The mistakes are the most glaring in the sports section of the World-Herald since the Sunday, Feb. 27, 2000 edition, featuring coverage of the state high school swim meet. That day, readers opened the newspaper to find two front-of-the-sports page pictures missing cutlines and a story about the swim meet repeated on both the front and inside pages of the section.
Update Dec. 19:
The Reader's repeated requests for information from the Omaha World-Herald for an explanation of these problems were ignored. However, a World-Herald sports staffer offers an explanation via a posting on a message board.
Oh Mylanta. Thats bad. I haven't seen such foolishness since the days I worked on the high school paper.
Here's another World Herald boo-boo:
On the front page there's a story about the illigal immigrant raid in Grand Island and the effects it had on the school system.
It reads:
LINCOLN - The immigration raid at a Grand Island meatpacking plant was "devestating" to students
and staff at Grand Island Public Schools, the school superintendent said Wednesday. "We had a lot of broken-down kids yesterday, and we have a lot of broken-down kids today," he said.
A couple of paragraphs down it calls him by his last name, Joel. His name is "Steve Joel," but they forgot to put his first name in.
I know Tim. And I know why you're supposed to see him.
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