KMTV (Cox Channel 5): Sports reporter Matt Seigel referred to Nebraska players several times as "girls" rather than the conventional (and Associated Press' style) term, "women."
WOWT (Cox Channel 8): The only station not to lead off with tournament coverage, a chyron mistake ("vehicle vandals" under a story about the new "Coventry" development) preceeded Rebecca Kleeman's story and coverage by sports anchor Merlyn Klaus five minutes into the newscast.
KETV (Cox Channel 9): Video went to black during Sports Director Jon Schuetz's live report and reporter Owen Lei mistakenly made reference to Nebraska fans sticking around to watch the next "game" (instead of "match").
KPTM (Cox Channel 10): Thursday's attendance was referenced several times as being 17,012, one shy of the official total of 17,013.
Most overused phrases of the night: "Husker faithful" and "Sea of red."
Did you know?: The NCAA is providing media members with a login and password to access free WiFi inside the Qwest Center. For many sporting events at the Qwest, media must pay a $75 connection fee in order to use the Qwest's wireless or hardwired Internet service.
Who the hell should care about volleyball except parents of the players? Other than the fact that this is generating revenue through the QWEST - it's a sports story & should reside in the last 5 minutes of a newscast. What's next? Leading a newscast with liveshots of Husker bowling.......YAWN!
Guess it beats a national pkg in the first block.
I didn't care until I got stuck in bumper-to-bumper traffic on I-80 on the way home from work last night.
IMO, if it's the biggest-ever crowd to watch a college volleyball match, its news.
You're an idiot! The Husker Volleyball match was the most talked about event of the day around here Thursday. What else was more important? If it weren't, 18-thousand people wouldn't have showed up.
thanks for catching the mistake. just a slip of the tongue, i swear.
if you'll note, i made sure i said "match" the multiple times it appeared in the story itself.
my bad for not being a volleyball fan, though. :) i got a crash course yesterday, learning what a dig is, for example. it was an exciting match.
WOWT wasn't the only station to lead off with volleyball, KPTM did too.
Correction: WOWT was the only station to not lead with volleyball, KPTM did lead with it.
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