Beginning next week, the pair's "Husker Beat" program debuts on Lincoln radio station KLMS (1480 AM). It will air Mondays from 6-7 p.m. and originate live from Bennigan's Grill & Tavern at 8701 Andermatt Drive (near 87th and Highway 2).
On Friday nights, Callahan and Sipple will host an Omaha-based version of the program from 6-7 p.m. on KOZN (1620 AM), broadcasting live from Indigo Joe's Sports Pub & Restaurant, 7425 Dodge Street. Both shows will run weekly through the first week of December.
I like Callahan well enough, and Sip beats some other reporters turned sports guys, but many blasted Husker shows do we need? The flood of Husker info is what makes you hate 'em or love 'em. I hope that 1620 keeps up the high school show they had last year.
I really like the Omaha Show Sipp and Callahan did last year. Those IMO are the top two guys on the beat down there.
1620 used the show last year as a lead in to their high school football show that starts at 7...so they go local from 3 to 11 p.m. on Friday's.
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