KETV (Cox Channel 9) reporter Brandi Petersen was scheduled to report live from Boulder, Colo., Thursday on the station's early evening newscasts, as well as to provide custom reports for Hearst-Argyle-owned stations around the nation.
According to station insiders, Petersen arrived in Boulder early this morning, but the station's satellite truck did not arrive in time for KETV's 11:30 a.m. newscast.
In typically channel seven fashion, they were running promo spots for this almost as fast as she got off the air.
Good for Brandi! I thought she did a great job. This definitely says something for her news career.
I'm sorry, I must be missing something. Why Boulder?
Never mind. I'm an idiot
Once again proof positive that the local media will take any chance they can to sensationalize anything; even if it means traveling 500 miles for a story that is best left to national news or should rate only a blurb in local news. Pathetic. Absolutely pathetic. Didn't anything occur in Omaha that might have been a bit more important than something that was covered extensively on the national news. Geez, no wonder why I only watch this drivel occassionally.
Perhaps Ray Bradbury was right; "if you want to think that the world is coming to end, watch the evening newscasts."
Keep in mind that Brandi is also serving at a reporter for all of the other Hearst-Argyle Television Affiliates. She will be filing special, custom packages/reports for their stations as well, kind of serving as the designated reporter covering the national news story for the Hearst-Argyle Television Group. It is my assumption and thinking, that KETV did not have very much authority over the decision to send her. Hearst-Argyle most likely chose her out of a pool of reporters around the nation. If that's the case than kudos to her! She is being seen in almost every market around the nation. Great exposure for her! On a sidenote, I do agree that the JonBenet investigation should be left up to the national news media, but if Channel 7 can get a television crew 500 miles away and file liveshots, than all the more power to them. It's nice to see a station go outside of it's compfort zone to capture a story, even if it is widely talked about in the national news media. Many of you don't realize the status of this story. Although it happened 10 years ago, the murder is among one of the most famous cases to ever hit the headlines. Blame your thinking on a lack of being informed and up-to-date on current issues. Since then, technology and science have greatly changed making it a little easier to investigate cold case files. Whenever a break or lead surfaces in a cold case, especially a famous one, known world-wide-- it will always receive national attention. Not so much sensationalism but more of a "who done it?" kind of thinking. The media is so invested in the thought-process of being the first to break news, more so on cases like JonBonet because many people are familiar with the case, since ripping into the headlines nearly a decade ago. Just keep an open mind, appreciate the fact that a local television station decided to take the high road and not rely on so much the national news media but more so from their own talent, putting their own perspective on the situation. You guys are quick to jump and criticize people for their work, but could you really pull of the same thing? It's their job and they have a duty to do everything in their capacity and ability to get the job done right!
Don't shame or insult those who make an effort to turn in quality work 500 miles away, even if it is recycled stories and soundbites from the national news media. Who cares! They're there right? Give me a break! So much nitpicking from people who obviously are very misinformed and lack the ability to comprehend and understand the importance of such a breaking news event.
No matter what the reason, this was Brandi's chance to audition for a job at a higher market level..her live shots (and most likely her packages) were picked up by every Hearst station in the country.
They spent too long on the story on their 10pm news - it had been covered plenty by national news. The local news should concentrate on just that...local news. Just like I never get why the OWH thinks it needs to send Tom Shatel to the Masters and other national sports events - a waste of time AND money.
Anonymous 3:
I recall the story very well, thank you very much. The media types had a nasty tendency to pick at it like a bloody scab and we were inundated with coverage of it. The same thing is happening again. Have you ever thought that maybe we're all numb from this continuous garbage. I have gotten to a point where I just shut the television off. I just wish more people in Omaha would do the same thing. It might straighten the media in this city out just a bit. On a positive note, because I don't want to just focus on the negative here; all four stations do have considerable talent in their stables. However, that talent needs to be concentrating on Omaha area news and leaving the national stories to the national media or handling those stories later in the newscasts. Regurgitating everything we have either seen on Network News or CNN or FOX is just irresponsible, shallow and plain lazy. C'mon people, please do your jobs.
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