Sunday, February 25, 2007

TV Stations Roll Out Special Storm Coverage

In a rare move, KMTV (Cox Channel 5) offered viewers a newscast Sunday morning.

Weekday evening talent Carlo Cecchetto and Carol Wang anchored the newscast, with meteorologist CT Thongklin providing weather updates and reporter Joe Jordan provided live reports on driving conditions.

KETV (Cox Channel 9) also provided special coverage in addition to its standard 7-8:30 a.m. weekend newscast. Reporter Lisa Stites and weekday morning meteorologist Andrea Bredow each provided live reports during a cut-in at 6 a.m.


Anonymous said...

Special newscasts for our 3-4 inch snowfall, when everyone was expecting 6-10 inches?

Omababe said...

>Special newscasts for our 3-4 inch snowfall,

Hey, I'm all for locally-produced content, but was it really necessary for them to preempt CBS Sunday Morning for an extended non-news weather report?

I can see them doing it if we got 12 inches or a major ice storm, but ...

I actually complimented the Channel 3 team on their blog for not sensationalizing this event -- at least they did not appear to be doing so last night.

Oh well ...

Anonymous said...

What's Channel Third got to lose by overhyping this 3-5" snow? At least they weren't tossing the word Blizzard around like the used car salesman over at 27th & Douglas. You have to wonder if they did it for ratings or he just doesn't have a clue?

Anonymous said...

I don't think they over-hyped anything. Everyone was predicting much more snow. Unfortunately, we were once again the victims of a dreaded dry spot that caused the snow to fall short of everyone's predictions. I'm sure they thought they were getting ahead of things and trying to provide a service to all by having the weathercast. Because the snow didn't materialize like all had predicted, Channel Three couldn't really say, "Well, it's not the blizzard everyone predicted. So we're not going to have the weathercast that we'd advertised. If they didn't have the program, then everyone would be getting on them about not doing what they said they would. There's just no winning.

Anonymous said...

A couple of notes:

1). I think we all need to go and buy that dry spot a well-deserved beer.

2). Channel 3 could have called CC and Company and told them to sleep in because the station decided to cancel the special breaking news Sunday morning news.

3). Unfortunately, #2 wasn't going to happen because of their track record with "breaking news"

4). Nice to see Ch. 3 venture out into the morning weather.... oooh, all the way to the corner of 108th & L. This goes to not only Ch. 3 but all stations - the city is over 200 blocks wide and as at least as many wide. Why don't you make use of those facncy, tricked out SUVs and actually drive further than maybe 2 or 3 miles from the station to broadcast weather conditions.

5). Not TV media but radio media. Here's an idea - put a window in your studio to give us an update that is at least current day. Example - driving at 11:30 a.m. this morning. Streets were wet if not dry in numerous places. Was told to stay off the streets due to driving conditions. Yeah, maybe if it was 3 a.m. it might have been tough.

6). We are all subject to the hype because the TV stations think they are providing us a public service by their work and they can eventually bank roll it into higher ratings and thus higher $$$ for advertising.

7). I've been out of the home most of the afternoon - anyone want to start a pool on who will be the first to roll out their commercial puffing out their chests because they were the first to bring us the weather news or the most complete update or the most accurate update, blah, blah, blah. My bet is on Ch. 3.

8). Hey, at least this gave us a break from the wall-to-wall Anne Nicole Smith coverage...

Anonymous said...

The chance to knock the media would be my pleasure, but this time the local meteorologists are not to really blame. Even the National Weather Service (where I go for weather) had those outlandish predictions as of 9pm last night. I'm just glad it was a flop, for my sake.

Anonymous said...

The dry spot part of this weather situation should not have been lost on the meteorologists even last night. Most of the national weather websites were already talking about how it would cut drastically into the snow accumulations. Heck even small market stations in Kearney and Hastings were on to it so a decision should have been made last night by channel 3rd to cut the early morning newscast.

Anonymous said...

Those dry slots. Always seem to ruin everything for their big 3 to 10 inch forecast. Notice how their margin of error gets wider and wider?

It wont be long until, "Right here in the metro, you can count on anywhere between a light dusting and two feet of snow"

Anonymous said...

Coming home from work Friday, I heard Tom Becka preview KFAB's weather forecast by saying, "We'll be getting somewhere between one and, oh, 35 inches of snow this weekend."

As it turns out...he was almost as accurate as the Omaha TV weathercasters.

Anonymous said...

4). Nice to see Ch. 3 venture out into the morning weather.... oooh, all the way to the corner of 108th & L. This goes to not only Ch. 3 but all stations - the city is over 200 blocks wide and as at least as many wide. Why don't you make use of those facncy, tricked out SUVs and actually drive further than maybe 2 or 3 miles from the station to broadcast weather conditions.

An answer to this question, why 3 and all other stations go near their stations is it's weather!!!

You're reporting stuff falling from the sky!!!

Here's how a newscast would go if any of the stations had reporters out all over the 200 block wide city.

Anchor- lets go live to Sally at 114th and Dodge. What do you have for us, Sally.

Sally- Bob, it's snowing here hard, and the streets are wet. Back to you.

Anchor- Okay, let's now check in with reporter Phil in South Omaha, who's covering that area for us. What's it like down there.

Phil-Well, I can tell you it's snowing here too!! Coming down hard and the streets are wet. Back to you.

Anchor-We now go live to Billy in Millard. What's the weather like there??

Billy- Snowing pretty good here. I have noticed that a lot of it seems to be accumulating on the streets.

It's not a location news event. It's weather!!!

Anonymous said...

This is a prime example of "Global Warming" bunk. How can a critical thinking person believe that man is destroying the planet?

If the National Weather Service, local meteorologists, climatologists and soothsayerologists cannot accurately tell us how much it is going to snow, how could one possibly buy into "scientific facts" of global warming? Please.....

Anonymous said...

My all time favorite is when they have some reporter sitting at some intersection reporting live.

Despite the snow falling, there are cars driving past the reporter at a regular speed. And the reporter will invariably then say, "Traffic is still moving along smoothly...But that could change!"

I know sometimes it must take every last bit of effort to keep news stations from playing dramatic background music to heighten the suspense even more.

Anonymous said...

6:54 AM

Please do not take this as denigrating you, but as a scientist that is studying global warming, there is more to it (global warming) than just studying weather patterns. I respectfully think that we all need to study the facts a bit and enlighten ourselves to the signs about us that are irrefutable.

Mohinder Rao

Anonymous said...

I'm curious as to what those signs are...

Anonymous said...

Dry slots in snow storms have historically been proven to be precursors to Global Warming.

The planet Venus was once a cozy hospitable planet. Then came the dry slots.

Anonymous said...

I think it has got to be due to all the methane, that's it, methane gas is the cause of global warming!!! As Archimedes said when he discovered the principle of displacement; "Eureka!"

Anonymous said...

Dr. Rao has a point. Perhaps if we decided to pick up a book and read about global warming rather than deciding to only read the conservatvie crap that is constantly spewed in this state we might find ourselves a bit more educated on the subject.

Anonymous said...

I think what Dr. Rao is trying to point out (having worked with him on numerous projects); is that we should look at both sides of the issue, study it carefully before we come to any serious conclusions. Dr. Rao has stated that all the evidence suggests that global warming is man made, given that the cycle of warming is occurring at a much faster pace than any time in recorded history. Is he ready to go completely public with this assessment and back it 100 percent, not yet, but he is 90 percent certain that he is on to something. There are many species (both plant and animal) that are dying off worldwide. The polar ice caps are melting. Severe droughts are affecting once fertile regions. The earth's temperature is the warmest it has ever been and temperature extremes are seen everywhere. Is it man made? The bulk of scientists are saying yes it is. Could it be a cycle, perhaps, but unlikely. Have we decided completely that it is man made?-the jury is still out, but our evidence leans that way. Are we willing to listen to other points of view? As a scientist, we generally have to take everything into account before we can speak factually upon this. Though, as I stated above, evidence seems to show that we are indeed in a progressed cycle of warming and we are making attempts to understand why.

Anonymous said...

When did this become about Global Warming? I thought we were talking about the weather guessers. Geez people back to the point already!

Anonymous said...

Did anybody else notice that no local Catholic churches cancelled Mass on Sunday? Those bad ass Catholics will trudge through the dangerous conditions all over town while the panzy Lutherans and Baptists filled the morning scroll with cancellation after cancellation......The Arch Diocese must need the collection money to pay off the Father Herek settlements....

Anonymous said...

Matt_X; Come on, a volcano spews out more nasty stuff than any man made pollution. I think the point about global climate change is that it is being hyped up with so many doomsday scenarios that it is almost as bad as C.T. Thonklin/Jim Flowers saying we are going to get 1 million inches of snow out in Millard. I saw a news story the other day that because of global warming children's fevers are going to be higher. I guess all those climatogists need their grant money and you can't get people motivated with little problems, you've got to motivate them with a full-scale crisis. Maybe they want to win an Oscar just like climatologist Al Gore.

Anonymous said...

It's not just climatologists my friends, there is a majority of scientific fact that backs up Global Warming. I guess that's well known everywhere but in Nebraska. And I wonder how any of you can call yourselves conservatives when you consume so much. Think about it.

Anonymous said...

In science a fact is an objective and verifiable observation, in contrast with a theory, which is an explanation of or interpretation of facts. Some scholars in the philosophy of science question whether scientific facts are truly objective or are always "theory-laden" to some degree.

If anyone can explain to me what caused ice ages on earth 40 million years ago to end, or why the ice caps on Mars have melted, it would be facinating. (Especially because man and SUV's weren't/aren't in either place).

Anonymous said...

Hey 3:41 am, there may be global climate change and there may be a possibility (not probablity) that it is man-made; however, it is even more of a stretch to think that all of the doomsday scenarios are going to pan out. Groups with an interest over-hype things all the time, that is how they mobilize people. I am skeptical and all should be.

How does this relate to Jim Flowers? If they can't get snowfall amounts right, how can they get everything right about global climate change?

Anonymous said...

If they put Jim Flowers in charge of hypthesizing about Global Warming, I think we can all agree that the planet is surely doomed.

Anonymous said...

Didn't Al Gore say that in his Oscar acceptance speech last night???

Brian said...

Mon Feb 26 2007 17:16:14 ET

The Tennessee Center for Policy Research, an independent, nonprofit and nonpartisan research organization committed to achieving a freer, more prosperous Tennessee through free market policy solutions, issued a press release late Monday:

Last night, Al Gore’s global-warming documentary, An Inconvenient Truth, collected an Oscar for best documentary feature, but the Tennessee Center for Policy Research has found that Gore deserves a gold statue for hypocrisy.

Gore’s mansion, [20-room, eight-bathroom] located in the posh Belle Meade area of Nashville, consumes more electricity every month than the average American household uses in an entire year, according to the Nashville Electric Service (NES).

In his documentary, the former Vice President calls on Americans to conserve energy by reducing electricity consumption at home.

The average household in America consumes 10,656 kilowatt-hours (kWh) per year, according to the Department of Energy. In 2006, Gore devoured nearly 221,000 kWh—more than 20 times the national average.

Last August alone, Gore burned through 22,619 kWh—guzzling more than twice the electricity in one month than an average American family uses in an entire year. As a result of his energy consumption, Gore’s average monthly electric bill topped $1,359.

Since the release of An Inconvenient Truth, Gore’s energy consumption has increased from an average of 16,200 kWh per month in 2005, to 18,400 kWh per month in 2006.

Gore’s extravagant energy use does not stop at his electric bill. Natural gas bills for Gore’s mansion and guest house averaged $1,080 per month last year.

“As the spokesman of choice for the global warming movement, Al Gore has to be willing to walk to walk, not just talk the talk, when it comes to home energy use,” said Tennessee Center for Policy Research President Drew Johnson.

In total, Gore paid nearly $30,000 in combined electricity and natural gas bills for his Nashville estate in 2006.

For Further Information, Contact:
Nicole Williams, (615) 383-6431

Anonymous said...

Definitive proof that Al Gore is indeed an android and requires substantial power to recharge his internal matrix each night.

Anonymous said...

Ah, 3:41pm, are these the same "scientists" that were warning us in the '70's of the Global Cooling they said was taking place ???? Back then, they were warning us of the impending Ice Age.

So which is it?

Anonymous said...

Well yeah. We had to turn everything up a little bit to reverse the whole global cooling thing. We just went a little overboard. In for a penny, in for a pound.

Anonymous said...

Remember, no matter what happens nature will always right itself, even at the ultimate expense of man. Darwinian theory becomes fact. Chew on that my fellow wonks. Sarcasm or reality. OOOOOOOOOOOOO who knows?

Anonymous said...

By the time we find out...we'll all pretty much be dead. So does it really matter???

Anonymous said...

Only the strong shall survive. And they know who they are.


Anonymous said...

As for the story posted by Brian above (or should your screen name be red herring?) might want to check out this story by the AP (a tad more legitimate source than the Drudge Report), which tells a bit of a different story....