A column by Tom Shatel in Tuesday's editions of the Omaha World-Herald led to a number of discussions regarding Nebraska Athletic Director Steve Pederson on sports talk radio programs and several message boards, including Huskerpedia.com.
Shatel's column outlined his surprise encounter with increased security at the new Tom and Nancy Osborne Athletic Complex. Seeking a copy of the Husker baseball media guide, Shatel encountered locked doors, security guards and unfriendly staffers.
On "Unsportsmanlike Conduct" on KOZN (1620 AM), Shatel called it "unnecessary" to be escorted to the Sports Information Office. He said he did not have an axe to grind with the school for not being noticed as the sports columnist with the state's largest daily newspaper.
"In a lot of ways, I try to be the eyes and ears for a lot of people," Shatel said. "I'm very lucky that I get to go a lot of places that a lot of people don't get to go. I guess we're all in the same boat in this deal."
Shatel said he received a call Tuesday from Associate Athletic Director Chris Anderson, who defended Pederson. Shatel also said the World-Herald has tried to get a one-on-one interview with Pederson for the past two two months.
"These people are top people who are accountable," Shatel told "Unsportsmanlike Conduct" co-hosts Kevin Kugler and Mike'l Severe. "For him to not even grant an interview is absolutely ridiculous."
Shatel said he learned Pederson was going to give the World-Herald an interview Tuesday afternoon, but it was called off when Pederson said he would only talk about the issues raised in Shatel's column and not anything else the World-Herald wanted to ask him.
KFAB (1110 AM) talk show host Scott Voorhees did speak with Pederson on his program Tuesday morning. Pederson defended the heightened security measures, saying they were necessary to ensure the safety of the school's female athletes.
Yawn ....anoher day in the life of the constant bashing of everything Pederson. Kugler and Severe would not have anything to fill 3 hours 5 days a week on their show w/o Steve to complain about. Shatel jsut gave them something to whine about today and the remainder of the week. Get a life!!!!
I tried to listen to the Shatel interview today, but had to turn it off...Shatel stutters so much, it's hard to keep track of what his point was by the time he finishes a sentence. Ugh.
This is NOT just another bashing of the UNL athletic department. Chris Anderson was "promoted" to a position to keep Pederson's ass out of fire in the press. She's notorious across the country amongst sports reporters for her antics. ANY journalist who writes anything close to negative gets shut out: limited access to facilities, players and coaches and is escorted so he/she is constantly watched. It's amazing to me that the public still falls for this b.s. It's disgusting to see what Pederson has done to that athletic dept. which was built on ethics and tradition. Trust me, this is coming from someone that's been INSIDE the program and knows the real deal. Can't T.O. just take over?!?!
It sounded like Becka wanted to talk about it but was muzzled. He kept making references to Nebraska sports with some sarcastic comments about the program. It was funny to listen to but you could tell something was upsetting him.
It's pretty simple.Pederson's days are numbered. He has alienated Husker fans with his arrogance. Sure you will still have the faithful following in the various sports, but he will never be able to raise money to build facilities to keep UN in the upper part of college athletics. I understand partially, the security thing. But when it's easier to walk into the Govenor's office than it is to walk into an athletic department that you and I pay for as tax payer's then I see nothing but trouble and scandal ahead for this University and Athletic Department.
If you read this; that was the single best instance of news reporting that I have read in years! You did your research into other programs and into positions that one would think would require more security than an athletic program. Kudos to an excellent display of newspaper journalism. I may not always agree with you on everything, but this time I think you may have really opened some eyes. Keep up the good work my man.
That Pederson, how dare him have security in the work place. After all, it's not like other places of work, including the OWH and my place of work, have security measures in place.
It's not a matter of "security." Trust me... you could walk right into the stadium when there's no game basically anytime you wanted and not have a problem. If you knew anything about the media politics there, you'd know "security" is a really sorry excuse as a means of perpetuating their propaganda. I know it's easy to support the athletic department when you know nothing about it and you're a desperate Husker fan...
I don't think security is the issue. I doubt that in your place of employment if somebody shows up with a legitimate reason to be there that security walks them through the building and watches their every move.
If it's security you sign in, and you have cameras mounted in the hallways. You don't try and intimidate your guest by walking him through the halls.
This was definately overkill.
Security for women is a very patronizing reason. Don't women also work in the statehouse and in the Chancellor's office. Why isn't there heightened security at the NU City Union then? There's a ton of college women, many of them athletes, walking around there unprotected. What about all the other places on UNL's campus that women, women who certainly aren't in their peak physical shape and therefore are less likely to fend off a crazed attacker, where is the extra security in these places?
This is nothing more than a smoke-screen response from Pederson.
And Chris Anderson, well she's the reason a certain c-word was invented.
Steve P. has pushed me to the point that we may stop donating to the college. I am a loyal fan but his constant shake downs and if you don't give enough, you won't be recognized by Steve P. He has gotten WAY TOO BIG for himself and UNL. This is just another moment with Mr. Ego and there will be more of this. Personally, I liked him a lot when he was here before and now - no way.
I was at the Osborne complex two weeks ago. The front doors were unlocked, you entered to a security office on your left, you either show your student ID or tell them who you are to see. They called up whom I was to meet with. They came up to get me. We had a meeting in their office next to the training room. I left on my accord from the training room and was free to go where I pleased. I walked around and viewed the great facility and left out the way I went in.
The female security guard up front was extremely nice and pleasant. I had a very nice conversation with her while I waited. She was polite and helpful to everyone that walked in.
Everyone at the facility was very professional and courteous. I overheard a conversation near the weight room juice bar and there was some unpleasant references to Steve P. It sounded as they were regarding his treating of people there and ego.
Just my 2 cents worth,
Well, I'm glad bits and pieces of the truth about Pederson are starting to trickle out... all of the former football coaches got royally screwed over in their jobs and in the media. And a majority of the people that do still work there can't stand him. The sick thing is that they keep their mouths shut so they can keep their jobs. When will he get the boot so NU can return to normal?!
Sidebar Sam...
Looks to me like you don't known anything about journalists. You can't even get your own grammar straight.
There's a reason why a school like UNO went down in flames, and a reason why UNL will most likely never have the truth out there. Trust me, UNL does have skeletons in its athletic department closet, and several journalists have made an effort to dig them out. You need to get off your own lazy butt and check yourself before you wreck yourself.
Blah blah blah Pederson is the devil blah blah blah not the Nebraska way blah blah blah poor tom had to wait 58 seconds blah blah blah oh yeah, Pederson is the devil blah blah...............
Just knowing that Shatel wasn't given the red-carpet treatment was reason enough for me to DOUBLE my donation to the athletic department.
He's lying through his teeth when he says you can walk freely around the other D1 athletic departments at other universities. Stop taking his word as gospel. Hell, don't take my word for it either, go find out for yourself. No, don't call, do like Tommy-boy did and just show up and see how well you are received. There may be some PR problems going on at the U right now, but this isn't one of them.
Security for female athlete's may not be the biggest issue, but it is an issue. They are not the same as an every-day female college student any more than the mayor of Beatrice is the same as the mayor of New York City. Female athletes have their pictures in the paper, they are seen on TV, they are simply a much higher profile for the perverts of the world to target. Cripes people use some common sense here.
Tommy has an agenda, whether he likes to admit it or not. He needs to help sell newspapers. To do that he'll fan a flame and hope that the masses buy in. Well, I'm not buying his BS, on the other hand, the athletic program I dearly love will get my support.
If you've never been to those schools on any given day then I would suggest you not assume they don't have security. Just because they didn't brag about having Dobermans at every door doesn't mean they don't limit access, have closed circuit cameras, and security guards on campus.
It's really amusing that many would expect that the coaches and administration would be as eager to have the public walk through their offices as a politician. I don't think Watson is needing any votes. I would also venture to guess that most Husker fans would be more enthusiastic about visiting Coach Gilmore than Senator Blutarski.
Try to remember we're talking about a day and age were bizarro types have flown planes into buildings, send anthrax in the mail, walk into schools with guns, and send death threats to an AD. I don't think a guard at the door is anything that strange.
On a side note: We also have some of the hottest Volleyball players ever to grace a court, so I definitely think keeping the freaks away from the athletes isn't such a bad deal.
EDIT: I almost forgot to mention, I did some work around and on the USC campus. Let me explain something to some of you who may not know it. That area is a hole. A complete hole. It's a gunshot waiting to happen. (I was shot at while rigging lights next to the campus). The campus itself, however, is extremely safe. They have loads of security officers, cameras and call boxes all over the place. If your walking on campus, there is someone seeing you on a screen.
Initially, I only thought Tom was lying about the accessibility to other Athletic Departments. Well, now that video surveilance cameras show that Tom "I'll whine if you don't think I'm as important as I do" Shatel waited for a mere 52 seconds at best (as opposed to the 5 minutes he claims), he's proven to be an utter liar with an agenda yet again in the same hack-job attempt at journalism.
What's next up for Shatel? I'm sure the next time he has to wait longer than he likes for his Quarter-pounder he'll launch a scathing Op Ed on how McDonald's isn't run with the same integrity & values that the old MCdonald's was, & how Steve Pederson is to blame for it.
Thank God the morons from the Big Red Board found this page to post some more of their drivel.
Here's a clue, geniuses. You people are freaks, and are in the significant minority. The column wasn't about waiting!!! It was about an inaccessible athletic department. That seemed quite obvious, to people without a weird agenda.
Hey Anonymous (2:01)pm...
You bet we found this page...we like to talk about the truth instead of the B.S. being spouted by people like you and media guys like Shatel with an axe to grind...
As for significant minority...B.S. genius...there's just a small faction of you that continually pounce on the fabrications of the local media...you're the vocal minority with a false sense of entitlement...
As for Shatel...what a little school girl tantrum that was...he had to wait a whole 52 seconds for the door to be opened...And God forbid that he was escorted to where he needed to go--don't you hate good customer service (that's what places of business would consider it)...
Anonymous, the column was about the continuing agenda of the local media and it's crusade against Steve Pederson and Bill Callahan...Just ask yourself this--Why would any of the athletic staff want to talk to these whiny, negative, heresay spewing idiots...?
Hey Anonymous (2:01)pm...
You bet we found this page...we like to talk about the truth instead of the B.S. being spouted by people like you and media guys like Shatel with an axe to grind...
As for significant minority...B.S. genius...there's just a small faction of you that continually pounce on the fabrications of the local media...you're the vocal minority with a false sense of entitlement...
As for Shatel...what a little school girl tantrum that was...he had to wait a whole 52 seconds for the door to be opened...And God forbid that he was escorted to where he needed to go--don't you hate good customer service (that's what places of business would consider it)...
Anonymous, the column was about the continuing agenda of the local media and it's crusade against Steve Pederson and Bill Callahan...Just ask yourself this--Why would any of the athletic staff want to talk to these whiny, negative, heresay spewing idiots...?
Anonymous 2:01.....obviously you read BRB since you saw the link on the page to here. Thanks for reading and maybe you'll be educated with the other side to the story rather than the "drivel" the controlled media here in Omaha.
BRB is a joke. Didn't you know in order to be a "REAL" husker fan, every sentence out of your mouth has to be "I love SP or Bill C".
Anonymous (5:05)
You sure seem to know a lot about BRB...your penis envy is obvious...love your posts there so full of nothing but moronic putdowns...come on back to BRB when you know something that contains real facts, and Oh, bring Shatel along even though we know he doesn't care about the facts...Keep wishing for the Huskers to fail, I guess only true fans do that, huh?
Where is anyone wishing anyone to fail? Keep thinking that only "real" husker fans follow leadership blindly, and anyone who disagrees with you hates the Huskers.
BRB is full of "real" facts & "real" football experts.... just ask them lol.
Who's following blindly? What a joke! You people are close-minded , self-center egotistical fools who continually try to find fault with anything to do with Husker football.
Some of you people who hide behind this grand ideal of how things used to be are sickening. The constant drama about how Osborne would do this or that is getting old (try living in the present). All of us appreciate what Tom did but it's done and so is that era (and remember it took him two decades to win his first national title). Tom never was the AD so comparing Pederson to him is ridiculous. Callahan has been nothing but open, much more so than Osborne ever was.
Some of you people don't realize what your and the media's continual portrayal of both these men does to recruiting. Kids do read newspapers and go to websites to find information about schools and programs they are interested in. What do you think they think when they read all the bashing that's going on? I guess it's ok to hurt the program as long as you can claim Stever Pederson is the devil.
Finally, as "True Husker Fans" please continue to denegrate the program and it's leaders to your little narcissistic hearts contentment, maybe you can get a job at ESPN.
TexanHusker, I could not have said it any better !!!!! POST OF THE YEAR!
good day!
I just bookmark and will come back many times.
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Dump Steve. Nuf said...
Dump Tom. Nuf said...
Dump the entire athletic program and maybe the kids will get a real education. Nuff said?
How about this...dump Steve and transfer Shatel to the Living section?
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