The decision was announced publicly to staffers at an all-station meeting Thursday afternoon.
Ward is expected to be seen one more time on KMTV in a taped story that will air next week. No mention of her absence was made on Thursday's 10 p.m. newscast, which Peterson co-anchored with Kerri Stowell. Peterson will anchor his final newscast at the station tonight.
Journal Broadcast Senior Vice President for Television and Radio Operations Steve Wexler said the decision to make changes was not a sudden one.
"We've been working on this transition for some time, over several months," Wexler said Friday. "It was not a surprise to Deb or Greg, who deserve credit for taking the station a long way in their time here. They are consummate professionals and dedicated news people."
No other changes to the station's front-line talent (sports, weather) are planned, Wexler said.
KMTV has seen small increases in its Nielsen Media Research ratings since switching to an "Action 3 News" format in February of 2006. Wexler said he doesn't base long-term decisions, especially ones dealing with personnel, on any one single factor. He also said he has not yet received the November 2006 ratings report.
Team Was In Place For Five Years
Ward and Petersen were very familiar to Omaha viewers. Including time spent interning at the station, Ward has been at KMTV for 26 years. Peterson was hired five years ago to replace Scott Coppenbarger. He previously worked at Omaha's KETV (Cox Channel 9) from 1992 to 1995.
On Dec. 18, 2001 - nearly five years ago to the day he was let go - Peterson appeared on "Todd and Tyler" on KEZO (92.3 FM) to announce he had been hired away from KTVI in St. Louis where he had been sports director for six-and-a-half years. He made his debut Dec. 30 in Pasadena, providing coverage of the Nebraska football team's trip to the Rose Bowl.
Ward, who is popular with viewers for her consumer reports, took the anchor chair following the dismissal of veteran anchor/reporter Loretta Carroll, who was let go Sept. 27, 2001, following 16 years at the station (13 as primary news anchor). She is married to KMTV investigative reporter Joe Jordan, who has also worked at the station for more than 20 years.
So was any thought given to keeping her on a reporting role?
"We did consider that, and discussed it with Deb, but ultimately decided it was best for all to move on with this plan," Wexler said.
Replacements Already Announced

Carol Wang comes to Omaha from KXAS (NBC) in Dallas/Fort Worth and Carlo Cecchetto is currently working as a general assignment reporter at KFMB (CBS) in San Diego, Calif.
Dallas is the No. 6 market in the country, according to Nielsen Media Research, while San Diego is No. 27. Omaha is listed as the 75th largest market in the country.
According to her station bio, Wang contributes weekly health reports to the popular NBC 5 News segment "Commit to be Fit" and has worked as a print reporter and radio news correspondent. She has been at KXAS since October of 2001. Her first day at KMTV is expected to be Jan. 15.
Cecchetto is expected to start Jan. 8. The Honolulu, Hawaii, native has worked at KFMB since 2003. His station bio says he is a USC graduate who is "a sports addict."
Wexler said there is no timetable for the new anchor team to make an impression on the ratings.
"Ratings are very much an imperfect science and take a long time to catch up with actual behavior," Wexler said. "Long term, our goal remains the same: to keep building a news product that is compelling and informative. We've been working hard on that goal since Journal Broadcast Group began operating the station just over one year ago."
As long as TnT want Travis he'll be on Ch 3 in some capacity. They can't afford him just as a sidekick for TnT
When is Channel Third going to realize changing the Main Anchors is not going to change things. Do they really think these two younger anchors will pull them out of deep third? They are going to need a major shake-up at 6 and 7 to see something happen. Channel Third needs to get rid of the in-your-face news product and realize the people of Omaha don't like it. There current ratings prove that point. Good Luck to Carol and Carl. I hope you got guaranteed money.
How absolutely insane is it to axe those two anchors, who I relatively enjoyed, and keep that neanderthal Travis Justice.
These two newcomers have most definitely got their work cut out for them.
So they are replacing two experienced smooth anchors with a couple of younger more ethnic looking ones.
Yeah, that should work in Omaha. Does anyone know how long of a contract Travesty has? It looks like Action3 is going young and even though he may be only a few years older than the new anchors he looks like he is in his mid 50's. Siegal looks like the more natural fit but Wexler seems to love Travis.
I am no high paid consultant, but I did sleep at a Holiday Inn Express last night; This was long over do. I am sorry, but those two really had to go. They seemed like they were way to serious; like the grumpy old couple who won't give your ball back when it goes in their yard. I am still not sure what anyone see's in the hypocrite Travis. At least with Bong Boy and Bucket head (tnt) going "global" Trav does not bash the Huskers in the am and then give them props at night. Memo to Mr. Wexler, fix your sports cast and realize that covering local sports and high school sports will help your ratings. If you have not realized by now, Omaha is not a typical place and most people have different values and like to watch local sports. I stopped watching when 3 quit sports and even though they brought it back, it stinks and Trav is still there.
The new anchor team looks like they came from "Entertainment Tonight," which would completely match the in-your-face, flashy, trashy journalism of Attack 3. I'm sure they're competent people, but Greg and Deb were good, one of the better anchor teams in the metro. Maybe they're trying to lose all credibility whatsoever so as NOT to compete with the other three stations. Regardless, this move makes a lot of us scratch our heads wondering, "What is the management at Journal thinking?"
Let me get this right. The management at Journal thought long and hard about this and decided to "transitionalize" with an Asian and a Pacific Islander. Both very young looking minorities. ARE THEY INSANE?!? Last time I checked KM3 was located in the heartland of America... we are still a red state, right? On top of that, how long do you think these two big market "hipsters" are gonna want to call Omaha home? Ummm... 'till the end of their 3 to 5 year contracts? Great long term thinking, Journal.
wow I think a fresh anchor team was long over do. 6&7 have changed their news teams in the past 1ish and 10 years respectivly. I dont think that the new team looks that bad for the action format. While I am not a fan of the neanderthal he may be less of a burden if the newbies can carry their weight. The current team would be better for a different station. I could see them at WOWT or KPTM. However the chances of them leaving town are probally high. I really liked greg pertersen and the presense he brought to the news. He would be really talanted as lead anchor at KTPM.
How on earth does WOWT rate so high in the ratings when they have so much bad talent. The must have a very dedicated viewership. An anchor is either good or not and the ratings should show this fact. I wonder if WOWT has an edge on the stay at home mother or 70+ demo. When these groups disband they may have a problem with ratings in the future. They are the only ones who have a 4.30 news cast and do have indepth news stories. After I watch 6 news I feel like I have gained alot of info but after action 3 I feel a little short changed. On the Battle Tank ketv 7 front their image is sometimes overwheliming. They remind me of the one kid in high school who will try anything to get an A and be the best at the expense of others. However they dont have alot of good friends because they make every thing a race. Sometimes I will watch KETV becasue the cover Lincoln and Omaha well but then I get tired of them because they do so many non important news stories.
I think KMTV changing their line up may have a more signifant effect than the above posters think in time. KMTV knows that they are going for an acess hollywood look and with the new anchors are running for it. They remind me of a news opperation in a larger market and may end up with a larger lead then in the past with time.
I wish that kptm/kxvo would either expand their cardbord set or give me a reason to watch their news. Sometimes I really want to but am unimpressed with the achors and 9 pm news. I would really like to see a moring or 5pm news or an 5pm show like ET or Tyra, or even foxnews show Gelorado to give an alternative to the stuffy national and local news teams. Some one have a perfect window in Omaha tv but everyone is too midwestern and afraid to make a shake up.
I agree with one of the previous comments: it is disappointing to see Deb and Greg--the two professional, polished members of the team--dismissed, while keeping Travis Justice! Travis must really "know where the bodies are buried" to still have a job. He's horrendous at best. Either that or the dufus works for peanuts and Journal Broadcast Group is saving a lot of money on TV and radio "talent" in big 'ol Market 75.
I, too, wish Greg and Deb the best...and I wonder if Joe Jordan will leave, too, since his wife got the axe?
As for the comment on not receiving ratings yet: that can't be true. I know first hand that the other stations have their books. Wexler isn't being forthcoming. But when you're so dismally in 3rd place, I guess I can't blame him.
I concur that the replacement team probably won't do much to increase ratings. I have noticed that the Omaha market, though a growing one, still has a small town, conservative and ethno-centric mentality. But who knows...maybe they'll overtake everyone. After all, look how horrible Channel 6 News is in quality--and bland in talent--and yet they're (arguably) Number One. With that philosophy, maybe KMTV should just move Devon Patton to the main anchor position. He's REALLY awful...and painful to watch.
I'll end on a positive comment: KMTV has the best news set and graphics in Omaha.
Thanks for the well-written story about two news veterans who deserve better.
I'm thankful for your site, too. I knew just where to turn to read the news in the World-Herald: the backpage beneath the fold.
Could be interesting to see if KPTM overtakes KMTV in the ratings, they've been on their heels for the past year as it is..and that's against prime time programming..
According to the the advances, 3 and 42 have nearly identical numbers for November. I think 42 is even ahead in one of the demos
What would be a REAL hoot is if KXVO overtakes KMTV in the 10pm. I know--silly. But it would be a laugh riot.
Nice.... I mean WT?....Wang & Speedy Gonzales as anchors.....
KPTM will have a solid #3 now.
The main thing that gives the 10pm news on kxvo a step up compared to any other Omaha station is that the host is talented and funny. Even though the program is not a traditional news cast it is funny and "semi educational" to watch. If anyone from kxvo/kptm reads this get fresh new post 1997 graphics for kptm, a standard branding logo for kxvo and a modern set and you may have a chance to beat KMrd becasue they cant get their act together. I also really like the previous idea of having a news or talk show on kxvo/kptm at 5 and or 6.
NEWS FLASH: Proceed with caution the Omaha tv market has made a rare shift that could give certain underdogs a easy chance to rebrand and have the possibilty of increased $ if that is wanted.
Pleeeeeese.....this is the 'Michael Scott' hire all over again. Try and bring in someone from a 'big' market to anchor and watch the ratings continue to flatline.
If KM3rd was going to make changes it should have swept the desk clean & attempted to raid talent from within the market. Let them sit out the non-competes & give viewers recognizable people to watch. Same old tactics which have yet to work over on Mockingbird!
Agree with previous poster. Omaha will be slow to warm up to the new hires. Feel sorry for them. Kind of like becoming the head football coach at Temple or some other losing program.
Maybe Wang and Speedy will do "Naked News"!!
when was the last time a new Anchor team made a difference at a third place station. Does anyone remember WOWT before Knicely moved over there? They were in last. They took Knicely (well known and liked as Sports Anchor at 7) and Jim Flowers from 7 and built the #1 team. KM tried it with Michael Scott and Greg Peterson both former Omaha staffers but both had been out of the market for several years. Here is what I know about Omaha. They love people they see everyday and can trust to deliver them the news. It takes years to develop that trust with the viewers and KM has not shown it's willing to do that. It would make more sense for KM to raid 6 or 7's cupboard and grab someone with name recoginition than two people who will not be in Omaha in the next 3-5 years. Also earlier someone made a radio reference to the hirings. Isn't Wexler a radio guy trying to also do TV. This move should not be a surprise to anyone. Radio is notorious for ditching and running as soon as the numbers tank.
Good luck Deb and Greg. You will be missed.
Just think, if KMTV would have waited for the mainstays at 6 to retire, and for KETV to predictably run out its main talent after about 15 years of service, they would have been in a pretty good position. If KPTM updates its set and graphics, it could actually have a legitimate shot at competing with the big boys. Taylor Wilson's been there for about 7 years now...if he doesn't leave in the next five years, you could be looking at a pretty dramatic shift in the Omaha market's players...and KM 3rd could become KM 4th or 5th...
Your're either naiive or employed by a Pappas-owned station to believe that KPTM ("We're a Station!) would ever compete on a level playing field with the others in town.
They have a nice little 9 PM niche, and lets leave it at that. They have neither the resources or the talent to compete at 5, 6 and 10 PM.
Remember their still-born morning show attempt? How quickly did Uncle Pap run that live shot reporter out of town?
it's "More Local @ Nine," duh!
"Your're either naiive or employed by a Pappas-owned station to believe that KPTM ("We're a Station!) would ever compete on a level playing field with the others in town.
They have a nice little 9 PM niche, and lets leave it at that. They have neither the resources or the talent to compete at 5, 6 and 10 PM."
So how does that explain how 6 not only competes, but is number 1? They got the well-known anchors, upgraded their graphics...and do nothing else well. Why wouldn't a station like 42 be able to compete with the same formula?
Sounds like KM paid a pretty penny for their new female anchor if Medialine is to be believed:
"my friend and co-worker has landed a main anchor job in a smallish market. She won't tell me where yet, but says she can when the current anchor team gets canned and her hire is announced.
this is apparently a good company, because they are paying for her move, for corporate housing till she sells her house here, doubling her salary and she is reporting in market 7, and giving her a clothing/makeup/hair allowance."
Market 7 is Dallas/Ft. Worth by the way......guess compared to the Metroplex, Omaha would be a 'smallish market'.
Actually, mentioning 42 brings up an interesting topic:
"Is this town ripe for a smaller station to finally make headway in an otherwise boring tv market?"
Attack 3 will lose its core audience but has the potential of winning the entire young audience.
KPTM has a fun to watch duo (especially with Tracy Jacim) and the ratings keep steadily rising.
Six had better start amping it up because changes are a coming.
This is so cute!!!
It's really a moot point as 42 will NEVER have the stones to go head to head at 6 and/or 10PM.
It would be interesting to see if they could generate more than hash marks with their fun-to-watch-duo.
I'll keep a close watch out for this juggernaut to make a significant move soon.......
Jacim is out at 42 come early next year...THANK GOD!!!
It WILL be interesting though to see what happens over at 3. Best of luck to Deb and Greg!!!!
Please tell me you're wrong and that it's Taylor Wilson who's leaving. I mean, haven't we suffered through enough of those promos featuring that Herman Munster-esk pasty face. I mean, hasn't he been at that s--- hole for, like, 20-years?
this is apparently a good company, because they are paying for her move, for corporate housing till she sells her house here, doubling her salary and she is reporting in market 7, and giving her a clothing/makeup/hair allowance.
This sounds exactly like the deal KM worked out with Michael Scott. He bragged it up that they made his house payments, etc., and how much he was being paid.
What happened? Their ratings dropped like a rock.
Same old lame weasel Omaha journalism chatter about stuff as weighty and significant as the next Pepsi commercial.
How about focusing on something that gets little or no attention in local media like exposing government corruption, holding people in power accountable and enterprising stories that don't get their start from a news release.
Nah! That would require work and we certainly wouldn't want to bite the hand that feeds our pleasant little non-threatening existence as compliant news-pups.
While I am not a fan of tracy jacim she brings a postive energy to the kptm news that her co anchor can not deflate. Is it true that she is leaving? Taylor wilson is the most borring and bland news person that I can think of. He always seems to come off as mad that he has to read the news for part of an hour a day.
It is amazing that KPTM and KXVO can make any splash with their news shows with no national news to piggy off of. It shows how networks are loosing their monopoly on tv. The fact is that every year more people move to cable or the internet for national news headlines. The only reason I watch local news is to get the local weather and a few stories so I can be semi informed or even entertained. As an non loyal viewer I will not put up with a bad local tv news show because I have many other professional news options. The fact that the Omaha news market is blind to the viewer is insuting and will only erode unless local tv wakes up. Omaha is growing and so should the quality of the news that is provided.
Koln Kgin out of Lincoln made a slew of changes in graphics and a few achors in the last 2 months like it was no sweat to do it over the weekend. They have always had quality news but now I would be inclined to say they now have best in the L/H/K market which is 103 vs. Omaha at and undervalued 75. Now they look more professional than KLKN and the Lincoln ABC has and outdated graphics but a better set. It is shamefull that news staions in Omaha make it quite painfull to make slight changes when it is the white elpanate in the room.
Mabey Nebraska is finally feeling the effect that has been changing local news on the east and west coasts for years. If you will recall Omaha got a WB channel more than a decade ago with alot of complaint that no one would watch it. How ever it became one of the most watched WB staions in the country. However nebraska only had UPN affilates established on digital subs a year before UPN was shut down. We were not alone but behind a large portion of states with a UPN. Mabey our population growth and higher need for competion in an leaner broadcast tv year is forcing a shift in the market a little behind our Metropolation neigbors. It is a funny thought that KXVO could be ahead of KMrd but they will have the most pleasing news set and cast in Omaha.
I love the comments that imply that people in Omaha won't watch the new anchor because she is Asian. Maybe that person will not watch somebody who is not white; but I'll bet that most people, even in Omaha, have moved into the 21st century. After all, about 10 years ago, Carol Wang anchored the #1 morning show in Topeka, Kansas. The last time I checked, Topeka was just as much "Red State, Fox News Republican" as Omaha.
white elpanate ?
Nice try. "Old Style" had me going until she mentioned "Topeka" and "morning show".
Look, you might be right. Bringing in two "exotic" young kids could be the answer 3's been looking for, and it might even make a splash during the first week. But make no bones about it, KM3 will be starting from ground zero as they begin to rebuild a newcast that now has absolutely no identity.
So, "Style", we'll have to wait and see if the "Asian Persuasion" can persuade all us red-necks!
Can everyone stop their bitching for two seconds?! First of all Deb and Greg are wonderful people and what happened to them sucks... but if anyone posting is in this business... unfortunately it's part of the business. Now imagine what it must be like for these two new people coming here. Do we all really want to be asses and run them out of town? They are just trying to have a career like everyone else in this business. We haven't seen them on TV yet and it's not fair to judge before they even get here. It's not their fault this whole thing happened. I for one look forward to some change and hope in the long run it's positive... and you know what Channel 3 may be in third place but that group is some of the hardest working people I know, third or first, who cares!!!
I don't think anybody, even the new "kids" that they hired, think that turning KM3 around will be an easy job. However if you don't try, you will not succeed. If you ran a station that has been in third place for years; what would you do? Don't you think your bosses back in Milwaukee would fire you if you didn't shake things up? If the Huskers only won two or three games for several years, don't you think the coach would be canned, no matter how much of a "nice guy" he is? Also, how old do you have to be, to not be labeled a "kid"? It would appear as if these two new anchors are in their 30s. When I was in my 30s; nobody called me a "kid".
"Shaking things up" and switching anchors hasn't worked in Omaha EVER. Not once. But the geniuses who really run the TV stations don't live here. They certainly don't listen to the people who do know the market. Check back on Sean's blog in a year. Not only will Channel 3 be dead last, viewers will be angry and resentful that they canned a "girl" who spent her entire life at that station. Brillant move, Journal.
If viewers cared that Deborah Ward spent her entire life at that station, they would have watched her. They didn't, the ratings showed that, and she is out of a job. That's how the TV business works, like it or not. Regarding your prediction that KM3 will be last place in a year; I agree. If KM3 is going to turn things around; it will take longer than one year.
Whoa! I never said management at Journal should NOT have made changes. They did and that's why they canned Deb and Greg. Ratings losers, the end.
But what a gambel on such an "exotic" couple and such a "younger" look. Usually your main anchors are experienced "field generals" who people can turn to and trust for important news in their community.
Now KM3 will have two out-of-towners with no connection to the city... why SHOULD we care enough to tune in?
JOURNAL MANAGEMENT: "Well, the old bags didn't work so how about we bring in some glam newsies from a top-20?"
"But the guy only has reporter experience?"
"So... he's cute, ain't he."
I say to Wang and Speedy, "come on in and join the fun!" If they can make this a more interesting news market all the power to them.
All the newscast in omaha are horrable. Kptm is more entertaining to watch than 3, or 6. Y'all always bag on Kp when all realitly it is not that bad. Mostly abbey needs a life. KPTM RULES.
yes i love kp
abby knickenbacker, or whatever the h-- her name is. So she's at the root of all the negativety. She does need a life - what an ugly person.
"I don't think anybody, even the new "kids" that they hired, think that turning KM3 around will be an easy job. However if you don't try, you will not succeed. If you ran a station that has been in third place for years; what would you do? Don't you think your bosses back in Milwaukee would fire you if you didn't shake things up? If the Huskers only won two or three games for several years, don't you think the coach would be canned, no matter how much of a "nice guy" he is?"
You mean like drop the sportscast & replace it with a daily opinion piece from the former sportsguy who still IS the sportsguy during football season.......
The KM3 formula is much like the former Soviet Union's 5-year plans. Change the graphics, then change the anchors, then change the set - repeat process every few years. Guess we know what'll be next!
I'm sad to see both go. Travis is less than the best. Bringing in 2 reporters might be OK but they would have to prove themselves. That will take time. However, both are coming from warm climes and they probably won't last. Nebr. isn't always like it is today!
Emmis Communications owned the station when they dropped sports. When Journal took control, they brought it back. Wow, there sure is a lot of negativity on this board. Antidepressants are a wonderful thing; talk to your doctor about them. I did!
Well I am very sad to see Deb & Greg go, but as others have said, thats the nature of this business. You don't make the ratings, your out of here! While I agree the new anchor team will have to
"prove" themselves I am really disappointed (and ashamed to be an Omaha native right now) to read that all that most people can point out is that they are minorities. Calling Carlo "Speedy Gonzolez" Get over yourselves OMYHAW! This is the 21st century not 1963 or 1983 for that matter. But what do you expect from a newsmarket with a reactionary demographic riddled with bigoted rednecks, "security moms" and grumpy old blue-hairs. Thats why the perrenial playground of low talent & mediocrity that is WOWT channel SUX is always number 1. I wish the new anchor team at KMTV the best of luck! Having said that, Journal needs to dispense with Travesty InJustice as well. Greg Peterson will easily land a new gig in a larger market. As for Deb Ward, I hope that KETV or even WOWT could pick her up in some capacity. If she stays in Omaha or the business that is.
I think the cartoon reference was nothing more than a joke? Get over yourself you arrogant "wanna be better than everyone else" Lib. What about your name calling? Omaha is clearly better off now that your gone.
As a minority (and a different person from the other poster), I don't find any humor whatsoever in that "joke." If he were Native American, would you call him Squanto? If he were black, would you call him Buckwheat?
Besides, his name -- Carlo -- is far more Italian than Hispanic, and based on his Hawaiian heritage... He's much more likely to be Pacific Islander/European than Latino.
I don't poke fun at "rednecks" because I'm aware of the hypocrisy. So please, in a similar vein, don't make fun of minorities.
Back to the subject of KMTV. What does KM stand for. What ever it is mabey it is time for a change. A two letter call sign plus TV does nothing for the viewer and is not even being used on air very much by Journal.
I'm also a minority. Damn man !! stop whining and crying about every little thing. My god - we have worst things to worry about than someone referring to someone by name to a cartoon character. Big deal!!!!
It is this B.S. crap and always screaming race that in turn causing most of the minority problems. Suck it up and grow a pair along with all you other race baiters.... Hell, I'm ashamed to be a minority sometimes.
I am an American along with everyone else. Only an American not a minority.
Wow. You just don't seem to get it, do you? I'm not playing any race card. I'm not even hating. I'm just trying to clue people into the fact that there's an inherent racism (even slight racism is still racism) in the remark.
Explain to me the joke. Explain to me why it's funny. Explain to me why you chose Speedy Gonzales instead of Guy Smiley, who Cechetto clearly resembles a lot more.
If you did it because you know he's a former track star, then great. If you did it because he's been known to thwart the machinations of evil cats, then great.
But if you did it mainly because you thought he was Hispanic, you didn't try hard enough to be funny.
I hate to be the voice of reason, ever. But, um, all this talk about race is moot. The successful in this market, with higher ratings than the new blond bimbo, Pat Persaud wasn't exactly a raging Scandanavian if you know what I mean.
so this two look like they should be in playgirl and playboy..
the bosses think always younger the better...well they now NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!....
and like several people have said switching is not going to work ...
When a station is rated as low as KMTV is for as long as they have been tanking it, it seems to me that the simple solution would be to shut down the entire news operation, restaff, and start anew. Completely. Including all new imaging and call letters. I know this sounds quite extreme, but it makes more sense than just getting rid of Deb and Greg and keeping the other talent and staff. Sometimes, when something has been so demolished, it is better to bulldoze it to the ground and build anew.
I would like to chime in and say that I also hope one of the other stations in town pursues Greg and/or Deb. They are true professionals, they know Omaha, and they are familiar, established broadcasters--not the bland, boring novices that seem to be the formula Omaha stations have been using to hire talent these days.
Regardless of where they go, I wish Deb and Greg the best of luck...they took the fall for a station that was poised to fail anyway.
The only reason that KETV can get away with using an outdated two lettered + TV call is that they brand the heck out of KETV. I wonder how many times KETV is metioned on their station plus website ect. KMTV is only used on air on a couple of ACTION 3 News slides in small print. The really sad part is that years ago Omaha had ACTION 6 News plus their calls. Just using a slogan is very cheap looking and may be against FCC rules even if the calls are really bad.
This business does stink at times, as Greg and Deb already know.
But, no matter how strong of anchors they are, it just wasn't working at KMTV.
Look at the Nov. numbers. This is a CBS affiliate (and not a Channel 58 weak signal) doing a 6 share at six pm and, what a 9 or 10 share at ten? I could see that with a weak NBC prime lineup but not with CBS.
It clearly means that, even if people liked Greg and Deb, they weren't enough to switch from WOWT or KETV to KM3.
When you have 20-25% of the viewers of your top two competitors in Market 75, that translates to about 20,000 households? I'm sorry, but that's hardly enough to even keep the lights on with two anchors clearing $100k.
You have to do something.
I'm not saying this will or won't work but Journal *had* to try something.
"Omaha is much better now that your gone!" I'm still here you piece of shit!
Now I feel bad, I liked Greg and Deb and thought they did as good of a job as any of the other anchors. The reason I stopped watching 3 was because I cannot take Travis. Does this guy keep his job just because he is on for 20 minutes a day with TNT? Since he left KPTM they have gained on the station he went to. He has possibly the lowest rated radio show in the history of mankind but he keeps his job at 3. Maybe Mr. Wexler will have to lose his job before he realizes Travis is dead weight.
too bad mary williams in on km3. she is really good but she can't pull the viewers in the morning. LOOK out mary. hopefully they wont do that to her too....
If Deb and Greg don't mind working in a sewer pit they should take over anchoring at KPTM -- and take with them the lions share of viewers who used to watch KM-3.
Great revenge. (Of course, then they'd have to reduce themselves to working for the worst broadcasting company on the planet.)
Now is WOWT's chance to dump Knicely and replace him with Greg Peterson. It could work, didn't Greg replace Knicely at KETV as the sports director in the early 90s? Deb Ward could unseat Julie Cornell over at KETV too. Yeah, I can keep telling myself that. KMTV really needs to just shut down operations and just start over from scratch. The problem wasn't the anchors, it's the news director and the writers! Oh and Travis Justice.
KETV would never replace Julie Cornell with Deb Ward...unless she bleached her hair and got major plastic surgery. KETV hires young, blond novices. Just look what happened 10 years ago with Carol Schrader. She was a total pro and they ditched her for the then-youthful/now dried up Cornell. Julie, babe--your days are numbered.
KMTV wasn't last in the ratings because people didn't like Deb and Greg. They are last because the station doesn't connect with the audience. Their two main reporters are talentless egomaniacs and their sports director is a colossal jerk who just happens to be "very close" to the top dogs at JBG.
I get the feeling that JBG doesn't want 3 to succeed.
Two words explain why I don't watch Channel 3rd.
No more needs to be said.
I like Knicely at WOWT and besides WOWT has no problems getting ratings. But for Jim Flowers he may not be so luckly.
mabey the KAZO Azteca America needs an news cast then KMTV can slip one more place down the todem poll.
Better yet put an i INDPENDENT TV (formally PAX)in Omaha whose ratings are quickly gowing up with new programs and 2 digital sub channels on local stations and reruns of mamas family and superman could probally beat ACTION (we have stoped trying) NEWS.
Not even super man could save KMTV its image is too tarnished.
they are the only outfit in town who owns a tv and many radio staions why can they not get good numbers with so much cross promotion sad.
Did they really hire Wang Chung when someone like Kerri Stowell right there under their nose? Unreal. Different doesn't mean better. A team of Peterson and Stowell would have been perfect. Young, beautiful, and smart with a distuguished, good-looking man. What a joke.
Mabey the new hires are really superman and lois lane pretending to be a news team to get the truth behind the stories to save the planet :)
What's up with Devon Patten doing the news solo without Kerri Stowell last night? The station is unwatchable without her.
No kidding. The pudgy white guy was doing the news the other night for Action 3. Not good.
Ever since the union at KMTV was broken over a decade ago...the station has been in decline. Its now an endless cycle of Management fire GM...GM fires ND...ND fires Anchors...Anchors blame co-workers who get fired. At KE and WOWT long time staffers bring hundreds of contacts and work experience to the job every day, and manangement sees the challenge in how to keep them on board, as opposed to who to fire next...or what new anchor or ND or GM or news set will be the magic ticket to better ratings. I don't have any advice but to hire good people, lots of them, and keep them for 15 years or more and see what happens.
There is one constant at KM3 News, KMTV News, Action 3 News...the Consultant that keeps churning out "New" ideas and talent research. With out the constant change there would be no need for a consultant....yet another way to cut costs only one that makes sense.
Perhaps it is time to fire the news director and some of the people behind the scenes who are deciding what action news is.
Does anyone else see the resemblance between Carlo Cecchetto and Jim Siedlecki of Channel 6? Send Siedlecki off to the beauty shop for an explosion of bronzer and a more-stylish haircut, then put him in a black sweater and I'd bet they'd look like twins.
And I wouldn't write off Carol Wang just yet. Julie Hong does a great job on KPTM. If it's true that Tracy Jacim is leaving, KPTM's managment should look at Julie as a replacement. (And amazingly, if I close my eyes, Julie Hong sounds incredibly like Andrea Bredow of KETV... not sure if that's good or bad.)
I think Travis and Ryan should swop positions for a week! That would be cool!
OMG Matt X . . . .
I am offended. I wouldn't expect any more from the hillbilly, racist, homophobe Nebraskans to insult Dave Roberts like that. It is appalling...
I am glad that I not longer live in Nebraska. Now I cannot tell anyone where I am from due to the embarassment.
So Sad.....
miss ya greg
Deb and Greg will be greatly missed. The new anchors are ok, but I think the "in your face news" approach has to go. I'm switching stations!
I liked Deb and Greg and I think You made a mistake getting rid of them. The only reason I watched the channel 3 news was because of them. The action 3 flashy in your face news logo is dumb too. And while there at it get rid of Katie Couric I think she is such a looser bring back Bob Shiefer he was really good. Bring back Debra Ward and John Peterson. You just lost a viewer.
I'm a Hispanic Omaha native and know that any minority who is offended by the comments of inbred redneck trailer trash really needs a reality check. You can't win a pissing
contest with a skunk! So why try. As far as new anchors for
channel 3, I wish them all the luck turning their ratings around. Not because their minorities but because their the new blood and maybe the future...Oh my God . Now come on now; I think it's called ratings folks, this is the business of reporting the news and market share. Gee...isn't that what a little big town like Omaha needs.
Have you ever realized Carol Wang pronounces her last name incorrectly? It bugs the heck out of me. I do know that KETV is the best local news broadcast. This is the way I rate the news stations:
1. KETV *definitely the best appealing
2. WOWT *OK since updated graphics
3. KPTM *they need their graphics upgraded
4. KMTV (Action 3) *hate the overall view and feel
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