Tuesday, January 23, 2007

No 'Morganizing' This Time; Just The Facts

Roger W. MorganRoger W. Morgan made a name for himself by pranking unsuspecting listeners with his "Morganizing" on "The Mighty 1290" KOIL in the 1960s.

More than 40 years later, Morgan is still raising the ire of some people. But this time, there's no joking involved.

As nationally syndicated libertarian talk-show host Neal Boortz reports, Morgan is promoting a recall effort for four St. Croix (part of the U.S. Virgin Islands) senators because they voted themselves a substantial pay raise.

The senators are now petitioning the Federal Communications Commission to block Morgan's attempt to buy the license of the radio station where he works ("Paradise 93.5 FM" in St. Croix).

Morgan, writing on the forum of Nebraskaradio.com, says the senators accuse of him trying to "overthrow the government of the Virgin Islands."

"Talk about 'Morganizing!,'" he writes.


A J said...

Where on earth do you find this stuff Sean?

Well done

Anonymous said...

Go get 'em Roger W.!