Viewers were directed to use the station's "Six Online" feedback feature, which provides the opportunity for both e-mail and phone responses.
At 10 p.m, the results were announced by anchors John Knicely and Tracy Madden, who led off the newscast by saying, "The grades are posted. The grades varied greatly from an A to an F."
A handful of viewer responses were read, but no mention was made of how many comments were received. Nor was there a disclosure of where the respondents lived, save for one woman - who volunteered that she lived near 96th & N Streets.
Reporter Jaime McCutcheon interviewed Omaha Mayor Mike Fahey, who said, "I think if you look at the effort that was made, it's certainly an A."
City Council President Dan Welch told McCutcheon if any streets remained unplowed Monday night, the city should get a failing grade.
"It's not acceptable because people pay for that service," Welch said.
City Council President Dan Welch told McCutcheon if any streets remained unplowed Monday night, the city should get a failing grade.
"It's not acceptable because people pay for that service," Welch said.
What I find ironic is, as a homeowner, I'm supposed to have 24 hours to clear my walks after a snow or I could run the risk of the city doing it for me, at my expense. I'm still seeing snow on residential streets - why isn't the city held to the same 24 hour rule for plowing the streets?
I was really hoping WOWT would invite its viewers to rate their coverage (especially early on) of the "March Blizzard of 2007"
But I doubt that'll ever happen.
Here we go again, attacking WOWT! What is it with you people? You people constantly wine about being objective but yet everything on this blog seems to represent pure hatred towards WOWT. Action 3 and KETV are no better! Give it a rest folks and quite wining. Action 3 did a poll as well. What makes WOWT seem so bad compared to the competition? Nothing in my opinion.
If you want to start comparing each station's coverage of the Blizzard, be fair and honest! Don't just pick on and single out one station just because they DID NOT devote 24/7 coverage to a storm that this region has seen before. Again, a blizzard is a blizzard. It has come and gone, get over yourselves people and quit wining about the coverage! You people are disgusting! Good God, Jesus Christ!
To the above poster:
WOWT continually shows examples of its lackluster approach to doing its job. Why not address the supposed "Most Watched in the Heartland" news when it does not deliver on its promise. Maybe the reason for the "unbalanced" attack is the unbalance in effective coverage. Also, the statement that KETV and KMTV are no better is laughable at best...
The above poster is correct. To rank Channel Third anywhere close to competent is ludicrous. The fact that so few viewers in Omaha choose to watch them speaks volumes about their product.
I not buying into how viewers rate the snow removal. People that don't like it will complain to anyone that will listen, while people have no problem with it are not going to waste their time writing about. The slant that we are more likely to hear from viewers are the complainers, so it will seem everyone is complaining, which from where I work and people I talk, are few (the people who thought the city did a bad job)
You just described 99% of the regular posters of this site!!!!!
Damn, good obsservation. Just replace snow removal with Travis, WOWT, forecasts, etc. and here you are!
Earlier, (At 3:45 PM, to be exact) Anonymous said…
Here we go again, attacking WOWT! What is it with you people? You people constantly wine about being objective but yet everything on this blog seems to represent pure hatred towards WOWT. Action 3 and KETV are no better! Give it a rest folks and quite wining. Action 3 did a poll as well. What makes WOWT seem so bad compared to the competition? Nothing in my opinion.
If you want to start comparing each station's coverage of the Blizzard, be fair and honest! Don't just pick on and single out one station just because they DID NOT devote 24/7 coverage to a storm that this region has seen before. Again, a blizzard is a blizzard. It has come and gone, get over yourselves people and quit wining about the coverage! You people are disgusting! Good God, Jesus Christ!
Action 3 did a poll as well. About 3 days before Channel Sux did theirs. Action 3 also showed the actual results of the poll - how many people gave the city what grade - something Channel Sux has not done yet (AFIK). That's the difference between the two polls. One is unbiased and gives the complete picture, the other is slanted towards giving the city more credit than it deserves.
As to this being just another normal blizzard, when's the last time we had so much snow that area schools were closed for 2 days? Not for quite a while, I'll tell you that. This was a storm that warranted more coverage than Channel Sux devoted to it.
Maybe that's why Channel 7 beat them in the ratings last period...
Poster 3:45 PM:
Are you the person that handles the graphics? If so, I can understand. Your spelling is off just like the graphics on WOWT from time to time. I think the proper spelling is "whining". Look it up and then send your graphics person to spelling school as well.
To the people complaining about Channel Six:
Just stop watching. There is a channel button on your television set as well as an off button. I got so tired of the mindless drivel that I just don't watch them any more. We have the power to change it if we want.
It seems like there are two types of negative posts about WOWT: those who are frustrated about its decline, and those who must spend hours watching (and rewatching on News on One) WOWT newscasts just to find stuff to pick at and whine about.
I'll lump myself in the first group. Years ago, it seemed like WOWT held the bar high the other stations had to work to match it. Now it seems like the bar at WOWT has been lowered so much that KETV is now the station to beat. Unfortunately in today's world of cost cutting, I wonder how long before the management at KETV decided it can lower the bar without hurting its ratings. Think things are bad now? Just wait. Thus, there's reason to keep letting WOWT know what they need to do to "kick it in gear". Doing so in a positive way, of course.
To the second group: change the channel!!! And get a life!
McKnight's about the only thing 6 has (okay, Malorie for the eye candy) has going for it.
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