Thursday, February 01, 2007

TV 'Sweeps' Begin Today

Nielsen Media Research's February ratings period, better known as "sweeps," begins today and lasts through the end of the month.

They're called "sweeps" because Nielsen mails out diaries to certain households around the country, then collects and processes the diaries in a specific order. The diaries from the Northeast regions are processed first and then swept up around the country, from the South, to the Midwest and finally ending with the West.

According to TV industry site, May is considered the most important month, followed by November.


Anonymous said...

I see that 7 and 3 have already started sweeps off with a bang..nothing like a gas leak that forced 4 people to evacuate to create a huge scare for the dinnertime news...

Anonymous said...

Oh they were loving that gas leak. I was laughing at the crawl at the bottom of the screen on KETV for a few hours. Something like, "If there's a knock on your door its probably the Fire Department"

If I was a Jehovah's Witness, I would have seized the opportunity and rushed down to that neighborhood thinking, "They will answer the door for sure!!"

Anonymous said...

The Jehovah's Witness post was classic! I bet the reporters stuck being out in the cold for this "story" hated life tonight! Brrrr...