The winning 30-second commercial in KEZO's "It's My Z" contest will air at 1:30 p.m. Sunday on KMTV (Cox Channel 5), according to Journal Broadcast Group Marketing and Promotions Director James Barton.
The winning video was created by Pat McGuire. He also takes home a $1,000 prize for beating out eight other semifinal entries.
That one CAN'T be the best one, can it???
Wow!? A new Z-92 and InfoUSA commercial - both during the Super Bowl!!! OOOOOOhhhhh....pinch me...I'm dreaming!!!
Pat's commercial is the one where the shirts are morphing into one another.
It's #4
I think the one with the rocket was the best. #9
Cute commercial but 1:30PM can't really be considered the SuperBowl? Isn't it pre-game
I don't care what time that commercial airs...Pat's commercial is cool and I bet they air it more AFTER the super bowl.
Its funny they used Quiet Riot as part of the commercial.
Wasn't it Quiet Riot that stiffed Z-92 a couple of times for their summer bash at Carter Lake?
And isn't Quiet Riot an 80's band?
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