Thursday, February 08, 2007

From the Laptop

KETV (Cox Channel 9) reporter Farrah Fazal continually referred to a three-year-old girl as a "baby" in a story at 10 p.m. Wednesday about the child's disappearance. The more appropriate term, according to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, would be "toddler" (a child between the ages of one to three years old). A story on the station's website refers to the girl simply as a "child."

A story KMTV (Cox Channel 5) reporter Michelle Bandur will present Thursday night at 10 examines whether people will return money that is unwittingly dropped in public places. The Lincoln Journal Star newspaper performed the same experiment (minus the hidden camera) as part of an award-winning eight-day series of stories in December of 2005 and January of 2006 that examined the differences between the cities of Lincoln and Omaha.

A page on the KFAB (1110 AM) website invites listeners to click on an interview with "Marlon Brisko." The NFL's first starting black quarterback, Marlin Briscoe started his playing career at Omaha South High School and the University of Nebraska at Omaha. Update: Friday, Feb. 9: The page has since been updated to read, "Marlon Briscoe."


Anonymous said...

I think we should be thankful that Farrah Fazal even figured out that the child was a girl.

To tell you the truth. We should be impressed that Farrah manages to find her way to work every day.

Richard said...

Nice Story Channel 3rd. I also saw this same report on one of the newsmags.. I think Dateline within the past 2 months. Way to “scoop” everyone. Here’s a story idea for you that I don’t believe anyone is doing… you could set up a sting on an internet chat room and have someone conversing as a 13 year old girl and have the unsuspecting local dudes come over to “her” house when they come in Trav comes around the corner and interviews them as to why they came over to a 13 year old girls house and then he could say I am Travis Justice from Action 3rd and we are doing a story on internet predators… you could call it hmmmm “To Catch A Predator”

You can use that one Channel 3rd my compliments. With those great storylines you will be out of the cellar in no time.

Anonymous said...

When was the last time you saw a fresh or relevant sweeps topic from ANY local station?
Let's see how we can scare the viewers into watching us with, dirty resaurants, dirty motel rooms, etc.
Ch. Third stold that Dateline franchise a while back & damn that was reminisent of Geraldo's Al Capone's Vault Special when whichever lame reporter sat there for a half hour waiting in vain for the phone to ring. I'll give them the "I remember THAT story" award for it's failure on live teevee.
You want a good original sweeps piece, give the reporter more than 1:30 and make them come up with a local story that doesn't involve murder and/or a police angle ( sorry 7 ). I'm sure we'll all be waiting a long time for that.....

Anonymous said...

In the interest of fairness, WOWT did copy a story for sweeps that KMTV did last sweeps period (or perhaps the sweeps before that, I don't remember exactly) about a technique that dissolves fat via injection.

Stealing story ideas is nothing new. And ratings don't tell us that new, creative stories work. People watch the same old thing time and time again. Hence the "To Catch a Predator" now basically being its own series.

Anonymous said...

Marlin BRISKO??? That's even funnier than the graphic NETV had during the opening of its coverage of the Creighton-Evansville "BACKETBALL" game Wednesday night.

Anonymous said...

Ted would've had a field day with Farah's comments. I miss Ted. Called it like he saw it. Too bad those days are gone. Can we start a petition to bring Ted back??