The driving force behind the new show is Barry Kriha, a former television reporter and producer who has worked at KHGI (Kearney), KOLN/KGIN (Lincoln) and KMTV, WOWT and KETV (Omaha). He has spent more than a year planning and creating the program which promises "to show the people, places and events that make this a great state."
"Each show will have three to five stories which will be in longer format than you see on local TV newscasts," Kriha said. "Each episode will have stories from throughout the state, not just one area."
The show will be broadcast every weekend, with a new version each month. In Omaha, TiN will be seen on Sundays at 5:30 a.m. on KETV. It will air on KLKN in Lincoln at 6:30 a.m. on Sundays. In addition to Omaha, Lincoln, Sioux City and Kearney, Kriha said he hopes to add a broadcast schedule in Scottsbluff as well.

If the program's website is any indication, the show promises to be a top notch production. Its website includes a variety of information related to the show and the state of Nebraska, including a page listing the top golf courses, trails, "corn counties" and enrollment of in-state schools. It also invites visitors to cast their vote for what they think is Nebraska's top attraction.
"For each story you see in the show, there will also be a text version with a shorter video version on the website," Kriha said. "There will also be some web-only stories as time goes on."
Kriha said ideas for future stories can be mailed to him at barry(at)thisisnebraska.com.
I wish him luck. BUT, this being Nebraska and all, he's got what, 5 maybe 6 good shows before it all goes down hill. About show 8 we'll see some octogenarian husking corn outside the stadium before a Huskers game, like he has done since the Eisenhower administration was in office. Of course he strokes out during his 15 minutes of fame. About show 12 we get some bumpkin with an IQ lower than that of your average marsupial displaying his cursive writing abilities in the snow after ingesting a 12-pack of beer he picked up at an estate sale. In show 20 we get the Cornhusker Games cockfights, and there isn't any domestic fowl in site! We might back up to episode 15 from the town of Stayout, NE (motto: We love our relatives!) where a genetic mutant who also happens to be her own half twin sister, plays the piano with her prehensile feet while solving quadratic equations and expressing her love for Tumbles the clumsy postman (OK, OK, so he's her uncle, also, he gets his own spot as the most accident prone federal employee in Nebraska on show 22.)
Well, I could go on forever, but don't say I didn't warn you.
I worked with Barry in Lincoln, and I wish him the best of luck. However, I agree with the previous poster. "This is Nebraska" has a huge obstacle to overcome: this is Nebraska. I'm not sure there's enough going on in this state to fill out a 30-minute program every week for more than a few months. If Barry can do it, and bring in the advertisers as well, more power to him.
Obviously you kids are too young to remember 'ole Tom Allen. The World Herald reporter drummed up stories across this state for longer than most of you have been alive.
Barry will do just fine, too.
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