"When we first came on the air 13 years ago, we asked our listeners what they wanted to know about us," said co-host Mike Tyler. "As we re-establish this to a new audience, hopefully our Omaha audience will play a big role in that. They'll help the new listeners figure out that Todd (Brandt) is this type of guy, that Craig (Evans) is like this and that Jeremy (Campbell) is gay."
That response was typical of the free-wheeling, we-don't-give-a-damn attitude the show takes on each morning from 5 to 10 a.m. It's a formula that has made "T-n-T" No. 1 among adults in the Omaha-Council Bluffs Arbitron ratings since the summer of 1996.
The program has flourished while evolving from a format that initially relied on scripted bits to a cast of running "characters" (regulars who phoned the show) to an unscripted, roundtable discussion that sounds more like lockerroom or water cooler talk than a morning radio show.
Show's Content Will Change Slightly

Gone will be the duo's regular bashing of the Nebraska football program - to be replaced by talk of Big 12 and Missouri Valley Conference sports, as well as the NFL.
"We're going to cut back on hammering them (Husker fans) because people in other cities don't care," Tyler said.

Several people posting to the "Todd & Tyler Unauthorized" message board www.tntu.net speculate the change will water down the show, making it "sound like every other syndicated morning show."
Land disagrees.
"These guys are news and pop culture junkies," he said. "From politics, to sports to entertainment, men's health with Doctor Ed (Dominguez) and relationships, listeners in Omaha have learned to tune to Todd and Tyler for a unique, amusing and entertaining take on what is going on locally, nationally and even on the world level."
Syndication Was In The Works For Some Time
Land said Evans, who reads news on the program, and sports director Travis Justice will remain integral parts of the show. New to the "Todd and Tyler Radio Empire" (as the syndication is being dubbed) will be interviews with more "A-List" celebrities, who Land said typically reserve their time for radio stations in the top 20 or 30 markets. Omaha is the 72nd largest radio market in the country, Wichita is No. 95 and Springfield is listed as 145th.
"The syndication gives us the ability to go to some agents with stars on the pop culture side or television or movie industries who would not normally do an interview on Omaha radio," he said.
Land would not disclose how much a station pays to carry T-n-T. However, he said the decision to syndicate the show was not "done overnight" and he did not rule out adding even more stations to the "Empire."
"We've been discussing syndication for a couple years and some other markets and even non-Journal stations had expressed interest," he said. "But we weren't ready from an infrastructure standpoint. What we don't want to lose is the local impact of the show. For the past 13 years, they've gathered this tremendous fan base. We've been looking for the right markets and right stations to expand to."
About the Affiliates in the 'Empire'
In Springfield, T-n-T will replace Mancow Muller, a Chicago-based syndicated program, in KRZQ's 5 to 10 a.m. slot. In Wichita, listeners on "T-95: Wichita's Pure Rock" will no longer hear the locally-produced "Phil and Hank Show."
Known as "The Ozarks' Pure Rock" station, KRZQ ranked in the bottom half of the last Arbitron ratings survey among all listeners ages 12 and older, while KICT was rated in the top half of all stations in Wichita.
KRZQ can be heard as far south as Branson, Mo. and as far west as Joplin, Mo. KICT's signal stretches about 90 miles: north to Salina, Kan. and south to Arkansas City, Kan.
In conjunction with the syndication, Journal installed four additional phone lines to handle greater call volume and launched a new website www.tntradioempire.com as this story went to press.
While syndication might take T-n-T to a higher level of visibility in the Midwest, it will not come without hard work, Brandt said. Todd and Tyler, whose compensation is rumored to be in the six figures, will not be getting a bigger paycheck, either.
"It's going to be a lot more work," Brandt said. "But that's not a negative. We're stressed, but the audience will benefit from this."
I'm sure these latest developments will tone down their already diminutive egos.
God help the construction crew that has to fix the doors in their studio to accomedate their new and improved sized melons. (as if that were possible)
Bashing the Huskers and Omaha issues is that made them listenable. (That and a lack of competition). You can even tell in recent days, the local impact of this won't be pretty on their ratings.
I think they drop out of #1 by Spring.
AJ, I appreciate your attempt at comedy, and am thankful that you do not have a broadcast outlet with which to spew your hate.
I don't understand how a lack of local competition could ever hurt them, as you implied. There was no local competition because there was no chance for other stations to succeed. With syndication must come change. Accept it. The Huskers will still be ridiculed by TnT, but it won't be as prominent because the show will focus on the entire Big 12. The issues of Omaha have never been exciting, either.
Why will they drop out of #1? Like you mentioned, there is no real competition. Even if TnT's local appeal decreases in Omaha, where are the listeners to go?
I would go on, but you seem like a man of decent intelligence. Everyone is allowed to have an opinion, even you and I. Your evidence, however, to support your claim is severely lacking.
Jesus Christ, if you don't like them, don't listen. Obviously they're doing well enough to expand.
Basically, Journal is saving money by dropping it's syndicated programming in Springfield & not having to pay Phil & Hank's salary's any longer down in Wichita.
Put these two on a non-Journal station & then get back to me. Until then, all it is is a cost-saving move and not anything indicative of their "popularity".
If these 2 are so popular, why have the ratings at KEZO been falling steadily?
But, they are still number one in their time slot. It is the rest of the ship that was sinking and why the PD was fired.
actually TnT placed 2nd in the last ratings period..Still awesome run for the past 12 years
One shouldn't be allowed to give an opinion if one can't even remember their own name. TnT did not place 2nd in their last ratings period, but Z-92 has. TnT owns the 6am-10am time slot on Omaha air waves and there is no change to be expected for some time.
For the ass that cannot distinguish between TnT ratings and KEZO ratings, educate yourself before asking stupid questions.
In addition, these stations have to pay to carry the TnT show. While the Journal stations may be saving a minute amount of money by not keeping Phil and Hank or that other syndicated show, I think you are being ignorant in assuming that TnT's syndication was purely a cost-saving move by Journal. The primary reason KICT and KRZQ made the decision was because of their morning shows' poor ratings. They can't make money if no one is listening.
--Signed by someone who knows his own name
This is a nice safe move by Journal for Weenie & the Butt. Journal saves $$$ by providing centralized programming for it's stations and W & tB know that if their show fails outside of the big O they've still got their jobs here. But, oh the embarassment....
"You can't make money if no one is listening" & KEZO's ratings keep going down - down - down.
"TnT owns the 6am-10am time slot on Omaha air waves and there is no change to be expected for some time."
What exactly is their competition?
KEZO's ratings don't drop until after TnT leave the air waves. That is not TnT's fault, that's the station itself (note that the program director was recently axed) By the way, nice WntB reference, thanks for listening.
TnT have no competition in the Omaha area because they drew better ratings than Bob and Tom and that syndicated show decided to leave the market. Do you want competition? Call whatever morning radio show you wish and request that they come compete with TnT. A lack of adequate competition because TnT scared BnT away is hardly TnT's fault. However, I won't put it past you. Good luck with getting your other morning program on the air...
--Signed by someone who knows his own name
Bob and Tom are back in town! I know my name Too!
Bob and Tom were the original competition, and left. I was talking of TnT's rise to the top of the Arbitron ratings system. I realize they came back...I was clarifying one of my earlier messages, which apparently confused you.
Regarding the fact that BnT are back in the area, I ask this: are they not TnT's competition? Doesn't the Brew have some morning show as well? Who would you like TnT to compete with on the radio?
I wonder how much your life/lives must suck to continually bash a morning show that has done nothing but dominate the area's air waves for years...
--Signed by someone with a real name
actually its just fun to post different view points against you..just to get your ire up Donnie! Back to my real life as a crime fighter...I forget my real name (dope smoker)...WEE
The first comment was a generic "TnT sucks!" one with no substance. I posted a differing opinion to that one because everyone finds it so easy to anonymously post hate on these kinds of mediums.
Frankly, I find it amusing that you didn't answer my question because I assumed you had no answer. You know you couldn't do a comparable job yourself (i.e. on the microphone) and had no quality alternative, so you chose to ignore it.
Feel free to post again when you graduate from school.
At least Obbop could provide an arguably acceptable reason to hate. I can't say I agree only because I haven't heard of gang escalation, etc. to the point where it was delicious...I'm sure it was a typing mistake, but just in case: you probably meant "the fear was palpable." Palatable just makes the comment humorous.
I suggest, Obbop, you call the show and voice your opinion (provide supporting evidence) on the issue.
--Someone who can spell his own name
Ok Donnie..We understand you think TnT are great..But if someone thinks they suck...well so be it..They have made their decision..let it be...
Are you saying I can't ask for a legitimate conversation or debate?
The First Amendment works both ways in America, contrary to popular belief. You can say they suck, but if you provide no evidence to support your claim, you have no credibility in the eyes of academia.
--Someone who was named
Maybe they listened and didn't agree with what they said..or didn't appreciate their humor..Thus deciding we don't care for them..dislike them or this sucks...Eveyone in my family loves liver..I hate it It sucks...But when my family serves it..they don't SHOVE IT DOWN MY THROAT..They respect I hate it that it sucks.......So I order pizza then...
Listening for, say, ten minutes doesn't make someone an expert. Most would concur that substantial research needs to be done before any thesis can be considered any degree of reality.
Generalizations in debates are often disapproved of due to their lack of furthering arguments, by the way.
In addition, any of the previous questions posed are still open to the public.
--Someone with a name
The only debate that is taken place with you is..Oh my god I can't believe you don't like Todd and Tyler.. I have listened for more then 10 minutes. And so have many others. Some without listening have echoed what they have heard others say..But still some prefer to Order Pizza!!!
One may choose to voice their opinion about TnT and their radio empire at any time. I suggest, before passing judgment, listening critically for a substantial period of time to provide oneself with ample supporting evidence.
This allows anonymous haters to develop a strong defense for their analysis. This is crucial for an effective debate.
I believe those who echo other's opinions should not omit the fact that they are doing so and have not come to such conclusions alone. It puzzles me that some would consider their time so expendable, to regurgitate other's thoughts for the masses and attack those who have researched the topic(s) alone.
And I suggest you control the urge to order so much pizza--it is not that healthy.
Feel free to voice your well-developed opinions on the show by calling 1(877)931-4868 between 0530-1030, or by emailing them at tnt@tntradioempire.com
--Someone with one name, many opinions
You folks get a little vicious down there. Like all programming not everyone is going to like everything put out on the airways.
TnT are special talents and their show is put together locally with precision. Now they are expanding and it will take a week or two to work out the kinks. Not everyone will like their show but it would be a sad world if everyone liked the same thing. As for some of you (I assume Radio People) who have made comments that sound pretty un-educated, get out in the world and learn your trade,get fired a few times, get stompted on a few times, move accross the country a few times to learn the business you love and then maybe you'll know what the hell your talking. about
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