A PDF of the affidavit accompanies the story by reporter Melissa Lee. Investigators used the search warrant to seize bottle rockets, firecrackers and other combustible materials from the Phi Kappa Tau fraternity house.
The fire on Nov. 17 killed Ryan Stewart and critically injured three other fraternity brothers. The investigation into its cause is ongoing.
What? No empty beer bottles? The kid had to be drunk to stand and watch his futon burn and run and hide in a closet. What a great fraternity! What a great initiation!
UNL mom
To the UNL mom,
It is unfair to assume that the student was drunk. Please read the many other articles stating that the students were inhaling toxic fumes that could have easily caused any & all of them to become disoriented and confused.
I'm going to assume there is some sarcasm in your last two statements. It is unfair to judge an entire group/house/fraternity based on an accident. No one meant for this terrible accident to happen. Please remember that and please be a little more sensitive to those of us whom this tragedy directly effects.
NWU Alum
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