The design was selected by a panel of unidentified media members, according to the UNO sports information department. Perhaps that explains its uncanny resemblance to the logo created for Super Bowl XXXVII* (above, left).
Johansen's logo was chosen from a field of 84 entries through a contest which began last spring. He will receive two full season tickets for the 2006-07 Maverick season and complimentary hockey merchandise featuring the logo he created.
*Editor's Note: Current Nebraska football Coach Bill Callahan coached the Oakland Raiders in their 48-21 loss to the Tampa Bay Buccaneers in Super Bowl 37.
Hey, you stole my comparison! LOL Check out UNO's thread on USCHO's forum for my comment when it was unveiled last month...
I like the logo - excellent job! Here's hoping that the upcoming season is one to celebrate for just more than a 10-year anniversary!
From one designer to another:
Rule number 1 ("I" in Roman numerals) Do not recycle or steal (which ever the case) printed logos or be subjected to comparison such as this one.
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