Item No. 6 of the Omaha City Council agenda for its Oct. 17 meeting reads:
Res. that we, the City Council of the City of Omaha, do hereby declare, that Clear Channel Communications and KFAB 1110 should offer an official public apology and dedicate all resources necessary to repair the community damage it has inflicted.
All three of Omaha's primary TV news stations led with the story Thursday night at 10. As of late Thursday night, KFAB's website contained no news of the resolution proposal.
"It would be funny if it weren't so serious," Becka told WOWT (Cox Channel 8).
When contacted by The Reader Thursday night, Becka declined to comment further. On his blog he writes that for the time being, he will not be commenting on the City Council's decision to take "valuable time and resources to condemn the parody."
"I am a big supporter of the first amendment." Becka writes. "Let the city council utilize their first amendment right the way they see fit."
A discussion forum on KETV.com that was started after a story aired on the issue on KETV Oct. 3 has more than 60 messages posted to it.
The City Council resolution is sponsored by Frank Brown, an African American whose district comprises much of North Omaha.

The parody said in part:
Discover miles of mayhem.
Discover drive-bys.
Discover gang violence.
Discover North Omaha.
On his program last Friday, Becka told listeners he was pleased by the support shown to him by station management and advertisers.
"The whole thing was focused on the messenger, not the message," Becka said.
This parody has been Becka’s best career move ever. People are listening now more than ever. He'd be stupid to apologize. I say, ride gravy-train for as long as you can.
As for North Omaha, quit your b*tc*i*g... and quit waiting for someone to help your community and help yourself. Here’s a thought… quit shooting each other. You’re only giving Becka more material for his show.
Sometimes, truth hurts. The city council should be embarrassed that they are spending more time with this than they are actually addressing the issues in North Omaha.
Goodness, TnT and others have said things much worse about Omaha and nothing happens.
What the heck would happen if Howard Stern broadcasted in this town. The city leaders would never get anywork done because they would keep typing out resolutions after resolution about Stern.
On the flip side, this is a good thing since this little parody did exactly what it was supposed to do...it got people talking.
Frank Brown is a piece of s#%t. The man [if we dare call him a man] is worthless and clueless. Fix the problem if you care and not whine about someone telling the truth.
Surprised he is not calling "racism" against Becka.
Thanks all,
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