Thursday, September 21, 2006

Journalism Day Today in Fremont

Approximately 200 students and advisers from high schools throughout eastern Nebraska will attend today's 41st annual Journalism Day at Midland Lutheran College.

Professional journalists will present interactive workshops and sessions on newspaper writing and editing, yearbook editing and design, photography, and broadcasting.

Professionals presenting sessions this year include: Don Bowen, reporter, Fremont Tribune; Joe Evans, reporter, Wahoo Newspaper; Andrea Gonzalez, yearbook consultant, Make History Publishing; Dean Jacobs, photographer, Fremont Tribune; Beverly Lydick, reporter, Fremont Tribune; Andrew Norman, managing editor, The Reader; Matt Riley, on-line editor, Great Plains Motion Picture Co.; Brent Wasenius, sports editor, Fremont Tribune; and Marlin Wright, photographer, MAW Photography.

"We offer Journalism Day early in the academic year so high school journalists can return to their schools and apply the tips and ideas they pick up to their own school newspapers, yearbooks, and TV productions," said Dr. Joyce Winfield, department chairperson.

The Midland Lutheran College Journalism and Mass Communication Department sponsors the event in association with the college's chapter of the Society for Collegiate Journalists.

"Our SCJ members regularly attend national conventions and workshops, so J-Day gives our journalism majors a chance to share some of what they have learned, too," Winfield said. "Some of our majors attended J-Day when they were in high school, and they find it interesting to experience it from the other side."

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