Effective Monday, native Nebraskan Scott Voorhees returns to Omaha to host a talk show from 9-11 a.m. Rush Limbaugh keeps his 11 a.m.-2 p.m. slot, while Glenn Beck's syndicated show moves to 2-4 p.m.
Local award-winning talk show host Tom Becka slides back an hour to 4-7 p.m. while Sports Nightly will be heard from 7-9 p.m. Syndicated talker Michael Savage wraps up the day from 9 p.m. to midnight
Can't someone over there at KFAB please spare us the inane drivel and senseless, fascist posturing of that bulbous blowhard, Rush Limbaugh? The fool is a circus of hypocrisy at its finest. Sheesh.
But Rush is one good-looking son of a bitch.
Hey Anonymous! Get with the program. Rush is the number one talk show host. You must be the only one who does not like him. Or maybe you have never listened to him.
He is funny, interesting, intelligent and he has gravitas!
Well, I guess Democrats like you would not like him.
Go Rush! We love you!
Rush is intelligent? Perhaps it's all the prescription drugs he's been abusing. The man is an idiot and a hypocrite. Sorry to burst your bubble.
Anonymous # 2:
I will state for the record that I am not a Democrat. However, unlike most of the dittoheads, fortunately I am able to think for myself and I tire of the mindless posturing and incessant bickering of both parties, to which Limbaugh only adds fuel to the fire. We need to stop hating each other for our parties and begin working together for the common good of ALL America, not just the Republicans OR the Democrats. It's tearing apart the greatest nation on Earth.
C'mon folks, let's stop chastising each other for our party affiliations; it's getting us nowhere. And the hate mongers like Limbaugh are doing nothing but working to tear the country apart from the inside out.
Go moderates!
Anonymous 2,
Apparently there are a few others out there that are sensible enough not to like Rush. The blog seems to be running 4 to 1 against you.
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