Rose (with two votes) did show up in the results of the question asking about the "least-favorite announcer." (Winner: Bob Barry Sr. of Oklahoma with six votes). Rose received two votes.
As for "favorite television network for college football coverage," ESPN was No. 1 with 14 votes. Fox (with seven-and-a-half votes) took home "Least favorite television network" honors, followed closely by TBS (six votes).
Finally, in a gauge of service to the media, reporters and columnists were asked which school's sports information department does the best job. Nebraska's SID office, once regarded as one of the best in the nation (in the 70s and early 80s) garnered only one vote. Oklahoma (with six-and-a-half votes) took the top spot.
Rosie makes every play, whether it's a first down or a two yard gain sound like a friggin' touchdown. The radio broadcasts stink. And I find him annoying in the mornings, he always interupts Saddlemyer.
So very true. Unfortunately, Jim Rose is one of the worst play-by-players that I have ever heard. Pavelka, even with the giant size ego, is 50 x better.
The biggest problem with Rose is that he has this aire that he is a bit better than everyone. Apparently, when you are 5'3" tall, and look like Howdy Doody's evil brother, you need to act like that to overcompensate for some shortcomings.
I am sorry to say that Jim Rose is one of the worst play-by-players that I have ever heard. Plus he thinks he is so smooth and smart.
I cannot listen to him. Bring back Pavelka----please.....
If you listen to Jim Rose call a game, it is impossible to tell what is going on. He does not give the yard line, which down it is, the basic facts.
On the morning show, which is no longer the Jim and Gary show, but features Gary and Scott Vorhees with sports by Jim Rose, he calls Sadlemeyer "Sadler". Isn't that the name of the Nebraska basketball coach?
He is a know it all on all subjects, not just sports. His poor wife!
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