11 a.m.)
Brian McFayden's stint as host of the "KXVO 15 10:00 News" is over, less than two months after it began.
According to multiple sources at KXVO and its sister station, KPTM, McFayden was terminated Friday. Station management would not comment specifically about the former MTV DJ's dismissal, but KPTM/KXVO News Director Allen Beckner did share a portion of what he told his staff that day:
"After many discussions Brian McFayden has decided that he will explore other options with his career," Beckner said. "Brian has certainly helped us take the KXVO news in a new direction and we appreciate his hard work, enthusiasm and passion. There is no doubt he will do well with his future plans. We will begin an immediate search, to find a replacement."
Following McFayden's dismissal, all references to him were removed from the station's website and a new myspace.com page was created. (Visit the old site here.)
McFayden, a Ralston High School graduate, debuted as host on April 24, replacing Calvert Collins, who shifted back to reporting duties for KPTM. His exit coincides with the release of the Nielsen Media Research May ratings, which were received by most Omaha TV stations Friday.
Under McFayden, the opening minutes of the newscast featured a taped first-person segment, followed by a few headlines from the KPTM news desk. On Arbor Day, he was seen kissing and hugging a tree. On the day of Omaha's primary election, he and his mom had a few drinks before she went to vote. One skit involved him getting a massage in a conference room during a newscast meeting while another showed him in bed with a woman in her 50s who purported to have tried a female version of Viagra.
In an April 21 press release announcing McFayden's hiring, Beckner said McFayden's strong ties to the Omaha-area and outstanding experience would add a new level of excitement and passion to the newscast.
"Brian's passion for Nebraska is incredible," Beckner said in the release. "He has so many great contacts in the community and he really cares about what happens here. There is no doubt that the viewer will see that. His enthusiasm is contagious and we are all excited about having him on board."
McFayden has a wide variety of national television experience, including hosting "Cupid," "Beauty and The Geek," "SNAFU," and "Superstars USA." He has also made appearances on "Dawson's Creek," "MadTV," "Grounded For Life," and "Sabrina The Teenage Witch" and also spent three years on MTV as a VJ hosting "Total Request Live," "Hot Zone" and "MTV News."
Did anyone at Pappas really think this was going to end well? After trampling the anchors who got the KXVO 10pm started (Collins and Giles) they let some primadonna (sp?)produce some of the most uninspired, unfunny stuff ever seen on Omaha TV. One night I tuned in just in time to see him smash a cake in the face of a production assistant. The Three Stooges would have been proud.
Isn't it an amazing coincidence that he was let go shortly after Dan Rather announced he was leaving CBS. I think Rather is going to be the next KXVO anchor.
WhatwhatWHAT??? Someone made this guy an anchor? Even for a WB station, this was a bad idea. This is worse than those damn BK spots I'm starring in!
I guess that's what happens when you try to add a little fun and humor to anything in Omaha media. Back to the same ol' same ol' now.
Fun and humor? You do realize we're talking about Brian McFayden here, right? Did you have a lobotomy that causes you to think that brainless, unfunny "comedy" bits from a talentless has-been VJ/reality TV show host passes for humor? Or are you just an idiot?
Good riddance, man. I can finally watch local TV without fear of seeing that hack jackass smarmily pimping whatever brainless segment his tiny brain produced that day.
worst news EVAR!!!
i don't know about you, but i think that bitch next to him is hot!!
That was dumb, I personally liked the "HIgh School Media Club" vibe the show gave off.
Dear God. I hear they replaced him with JJ Davis! Somehow, the station was able to find the only man in town who would be an even worse anchor. How much lower can they sink??!?!
This really was a horrible show. He made me uncomfortable when I watched. I felt embaressed for him because everything he did sucked so much. It just wasn't funny. I don't know if maybe at the other places he had writers, and here he didn't, and was trying to make his own stuff up, or what. I didn't really watch TRL, but surely MTV would not have let him stahy on it for three months if he had acted like this.
Oh, and P.S. Janie, are you part of his management team or something? YIKES.
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