Saturday, May 06, 2006 Sends Osborne E-Mail To Members

Tom Osborne E-Mail AdSubscribers to's e-mail service, "The Point," received a message Friday from "ThePOINT &"

The e-mail (shown at right) is an HTML advertisement for Tom Osborne's bid for Nebraska governor. It was one of two e-mails sent to "guests" who have requested to receive updates about the World-Herald's site, or information from its advertisers.

The second e-mail was an HTML message of support from "ThePOINT & Terry Fairfield, Chair" for Amendment One, which would give Nebraska state senators a pay raise.

Amendment One and Tom Osborne have both received endorsements from the World-Herald.

Both messages contained the statement, "We welcome and encourage you to forward this e-mail to your family and friends."


Hosh said...

Biased and absolutely ridiculous. What else is there to say?

Melanie said...

I'm so glad I live in Iowa so I don't have to worry about a coach going to be my governor.

Anonymous said...

So someone who's been a great congressman can't be a good governor because he was a coach?! I think a lot of people are confusing his "celebrity" with his unwavering character, intelligence and devotion to Nebraska. Just because Nabity was a good businessman or Heineman served in the armed forces doesn't make them better or worse either.