Tuesday, May 09, 2006

KXVO: McFayden's Mom Weighs In

From the opening sky view camera shot of downtown Omaha, to anchor Brian McFayden saying, "It's a beautiful election night. Thank God for everything!," it was not hard to tell that Tuesday night's "KXVO 15 10:00 Newscast" was going to be rather unconventional.

McFayden's now-signature opening skit involved him tagging along as his mother went to the polls. Dressed in nearly matching red apparel, the two looked as if they were headed to a Nebraska football game.

Before leaving for her polling place, the two sipped beers, with McFayden asking his mom what she thought of the three candidates for the Republican nomination for Nebraska governor:

Dave Nabity: "He's good looking."
Tom Osborne: "He's for the rich."

Viewers did not get a chance to hear what she thought of the state's current governor, Dave Heineman. That is because McFayden referred to him as "Dave Heineken" and said Heineman was "for beer at Nebraska football games."

At one point, McFayden seemed to infer his mother was intoxicated, even asking her, "Mom, are you drunk?"

A live phone call with McFayden's mother was slated to immediately follow the taped bit. But a technical glich prevented him from asking her for whom she had voted.

The vast extent of KXVO's election results coverage was handled by sister station KPTM. News anchor Tracy Jacim delivered results showing 54 percent of all precincts reporting.

KPTM reporters Amanda Mueller and Scott Patterson reported live from Osborne's post-election party, with both noting that Osborne had just finished making his remarks. Referring to a laptop placed between them, the pair shared results while video played of some of the night's previous activities (including a shot of a TV tuned to Lincoln station and CBS affiliate, KOLN.

Patterson mispronounced Osborne's name as "Oz-BORN" on every occasion, while Mueller slipped once, but otherwise correctly referred to the former Nebraska football coach as "Oz-BURN."


Anonymous said...

I think you're starting to slip into Ted mode... I guess that's what people want. Just as long as you didn't get your a$$ kicked, right? How about we all nitpick your advertising agency. GET A LIFE!

Anonymous said...

Great job, Sean. After working the election all day, it was great to read your excellent coverage report.

Regarding the Oz burn mispronunciation, he has been in the public eye for over 25 years. Everyone should know how to pronounce it. Thanks for keeping on top of it.

I think anonymous is really Ted and upset because we know who he is. We do, don't we?

Anonymous said...

To operationseng:

An "o" becomes a "u" when the person whose name it is pronounces it that way. If my name is Smith and I say it is "sm eye th" then that is the way it should be. Same with Tom Oz burn.

Congratulations on living "the good life in Nebraska!


Anonymous said...

No, the first person to reply was not "Ted." And apparently YOU don't know who Ted is. And not everyone knows that Osborne is pronounced that way... especially people who have only been working in NE the last fews months. Not that that justifies it. But at least those people know to use "more than 25 years" than "over 25 years." Hey, sucks to be nitpicked, doesn't it?!