McPike said he knew there was "a good possibility" for severe weather Thursday and even mentioned the likelihood of hail and damaging winds in his forecast Wednesday night. But he was cautious in making mention that at least parts of the "Action 3 News" viewing area would have the threat of tornadoes.
"As a meteorologist, I feel that you have to be careful when it comes to the 'T' word," McPike said. "On one hand, you certainly want to warn people it could get really nasty, but you have to be careful not to scare the living daylights out of them."
McPike, who has been at KMTV since 1997 and its chief meteorologist since 2002, said he regularly receives emails and phone calls from viewers telling him they are scared of tornadoes.
I certainly agree with McPike here. Everyone in the city was in such a tizzy since Monday when the meterologists started talking about the threat of severe weather on Thursday. And, by noon on Thursday, you would have thought the world was coming to end. There is something to be said for preparedness - but these guys are going overboard.
Think of the impact that these overractions have on businesses. A few weeks ago, the entire state shut down because we were told that this incredible snow storm was coming our way. East of Lincoln, there was absolutely no need for such hysteria. This is Nebraska for crying out loud.
Ok, sorry for the rant. By the Sean, great job on this blog...love it! For us media junkies, it's the fix we need.
Thank you for the kind words.
I see where nobody wants to scare the viewers, but there WAS a threat of tornadoes. In fact, there WAS a tornado. Channels 6 and 7 used the "T" word because the Storm Prediction Center said that our area was under the gun and severe weather--including tornadoes--was a real possibility. And, yes, tornadoes are scary!
So What! If you get e-mails and calls from viewers saying they're afraid of tornadoes. THEY SHOULD BE AFRAID!!! This is tornado season!!! If you've ever lived through one, you would appreciate as much warning as possible.
I am surprised that Ryan McPike, whose station breaks in with severe weather coverage at the drop of a snowflake, would have the nards to take such a conservative stance on spring severe weather. Make up your mind, KMTV!
Sean, I appreciate the congenial tone of your blog and the information you dig up. On the negative side it seems to function as an unofficial KMTV PR site. While weather guys have a tendency to go overboard, McPike did nothing to be proud of.I agree with "anonymous". There WERE TORNADOES in the viewing area. It was a potentially dangerous situation. Just because an individual viewer did not experience the impact in their own neighborhood doesnt negate the responsibility of weather guys to warn people in the overall viewing area of danger.
I know its your blog and you are entitled to your opinion but if you want to be respected as a credible source of local media news, cut your ties to your old station. They've been spinning their last place position in the ratings for a long time and don't need your help.
Thank you for your comments.
KMTV and I "cut ties" when the station did not renew my contract as a news producer in June of 2003.
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